The type of books on music (yue lei 樂類) is a sub-category to the literary category of Confucian Classics (jingbu 經部) in the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書.
This categorization follows the traditional assumption that either there was once a classic on music (the putative Yuejing 樂經) or that at least, the Confucians as ritual experts had a great interest in music as the base for cosmic and social harmony. It might also have been that the term yue designated the musical notes for the songs in the Confucian Classic Shijing 詩經 "Book of Songs".
The imperial bibliography Yiwen zhi 藝文志 in the official dynastic history Hanshu 漢書 lists a 23 juan long book with the title Yueji 樂記. The ritual classic Liji 禮記 has a chapter with that title.
In fact, there are quite a few books on music included in other literary categories, like books on the zither, or various songs and arias in the belles-lettres category.
The section on musicological books in the Siku quanshu includes 22 books, many of which focus on the tuning of pitch pipes (lülü 律呂) and ritual dance.
See also treatises on art (yishu lei 藝術類: books on the zither). |
Part of Siku quanshu 四庫全書 |
Part of Xuxiu siku quanshu 續修四庫全書 |
樂經 | Yuejing | (Zhou) NN |
樂記 | Yueji (part of Liji 禮記) | (Zhou) NN |
非樂 | Feiyue (part of Mozi 墨子) | (Zhou) 墨翟 Mo Di |
樂論 | Yuelun (part of Xunzi 荀子) | (Zhou) 荀況 Xun Kuang |
樂書 | Yue shu (part of Shiji 史記) | (Han) 司馬遷 Sima Qian |
律書 | Lü shu (part of Shiji 史記) | (Han) 司馬遷 Sima Qian |
樂論 | Yuelun | (Wei) 阮籍 Ruan Ji |
聲無哀樂論 * | Sheng wu ai yue lun | (Wei) 嵇康 Ji Kang |
古今樂錄 * | Gujin yuelu | (Chen) 釋智匠 Monk Zhijiang |
樂書要錄 殘三卷 (續修) | Yueshu yaolu | (Tang) imp. ord. |
皇祐新樂圖記 三卷 | Huangyou xin yue tuji | (Song) 阮逸 Ruan Yi, 胡瑗 Hu Yuan |
琴史 | Qinshi → Treatises on art | (Song) 朱長文 Zhu Changwen |
樂書 二百卷 | Yueshu | (Song) 陳暘 Chen Chang |
律呂新書 二卷 | Lülü xinshu | (Song) 蔡元定 Cai Yuanding |
琴律說 | Qinlüshuo (part of Wengong wenji 朱文公文集) | (Song) 朱熹 Zhu Xi |
瑟譜 六卷 | Sepu | (Yuan) 熊朋來 Xiong Penglai |
韶舞九成樂補 一卷 | Shaowu jiucheng yue bu | (Yuan) 余載 Yu Zai |
律呂成書 二卷 | Lülü chengshu | (Yuan) 劉瑾 Liu Jin |
苑洛志樂 二十卷 | Yuanluo zhilüe | (Ming) 韓邦奇 Han Bangqi |
鐘律通考 六卷 | Zhonglü tongkao | (Ming) 倪複 Ni Fu |
樂律全書 四十二卷 | Yuelü quanshu | (Ming) 朱載堉 Zhu Zaiyu |
(御定) 律呂正義 五卷 | (Yuding) Lülü zhengyi | (Qing) imp. ord. |
(御製) 律呂正義後編 百二十八卷 | (Yuzhi) Lülü zhengyi houbian | (Qing) imp. ord. |
(欽定) 詩經樂譜全書 三十卷 | (Qinding) Shijing yuepu quanshu | (Qing) imp. ord. |
古樂經傳 五卷 | Guyue jingzhuan | (Qing) 李光地 Li Guangdi |
古樂書 二卷 | Gu yueshu | (Qing) 應撝謙 Ying Huiqian |
(聖諭)樂本解說 二卷 | (Shengyu) Yueben jieshuo | (Qing) 毛奇齡 Mao Qiling |
皇言定聲錄 八卷 | Huangyan dingsheng lu | (Qing) 毛奇齡 Mao Qiling |
竟山樂錄 四卷 | Jingshan yuelu | (Qing) 毛奇齡 Mao Qiling |
李氏學樂錄 二卷 | Lishi xueyue lu | (Qing) 李塨 Li Gong |
樂律表微 八卷 | Yuelü biaowei | (Qing) 胡彥昇 Hu Yansheng |
律呂新論 二卷 | Lülü xinlun | (Qing) 江永 Jiang Yong |
律呂闡微 十卷 | Lülü chanwei | (Qing) 江永 Jiang Yong |
琴旨 二卷 | Qinzhi | (Qing) 王坦 Wang Tan |
聲律通考 十卷 | Shenglü tongkao | (Qing) 陳澧 Chen Li |
文廟丁祭譜 * | Wenmiao dingji pu | (Qing) NN |