An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Chunhuamige fatie kaozheng 淳化秘閣法帖考正

Oct 6, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald

Chunhuamige fatie kaozheng 淳化秘閣法帖考正 "Critical revision of the model calligraphies from the Chunhua Library", also written 淳化祕閣法帖考正, is a critical commentary on the model calligraphies of the Chunhua Hall, the Chunhua fatie 淳化法帖 from the Song period 宋 (960-1279). The critical revision was written during the Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Wang Shu 王澍 (1668-1739), courtesy name Ruolin 篛林 (also written 若霖), style Xuzhou 虚舟. Apart from his notes on the model calligraphies, he wrote some notes on calligraphic works like Zhuyun tiba 竹雲題跋 and Xuzhou tiba 虚舟題跋, the calligraphy book Lunshu shengyu 論書賸語 and some commentaries on philosophical books, for instance, Xue Yong benyi 學庸本義, Xue Yong guxue lu 學庸固學錄, Daxue benwen 大學本文, Daxue guben wen 大學古本文, Cheng-Zhu gewu fa 程朱格物法, Zhuzi dushu fa 朱子讀書法 or Bailudong guitiao mu 白鹿洞規條目.

The whole book is 12-juan long. Except the core text that comments on the Chunhua fatie, Wang Shu added a short history of model calligraphies, and a chapter on the rules of calligraphy. His book is not the oldest commentary on the Chunhua model calligraphies. The master Mi Fu 米芾 (1051-1107) was the first who wrote a comment on these (Fatie tiba 法帖題跋), with the aim to bring more light into the skill of telling forgeries from real antiques. His study was followed by Huang Bosi's 黃伯思 (1079-1118) Fatie kanwu 法帖刊誤, in which the author pointed at errors in calligraphy books, based on a critical method by analyzing ancent texts. Two more important masters of calligraphic theory were Gu Congyi 顧從義 (1523-1588, author of Getie shiwen kaoyi 閣帖釋文考異) during the Ming period 明 (1368-1644) and He Zhuo 何焯 (1661-1722) from the early Qing period.

Wang Shu's book based on these excellent writings, but refined the critical methods. It is therefore included in the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書.

Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰, eds. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 1, 1507.
Bai Fuchun 白福春 (2008). "Wang Shu Chunhuage fatie kaozheng yanjiu 王澍《淳化秘閣法帖考正》研究", Shandong Tushuguan jikan 山東圖書館季刊, 2008 (3).
Liu Shi 劉詩 (1993). "Wang Zhu yu Chunhuage fatie 王著與《淳化秘閣法帖》", Sichuan wenwu 四川文物, 1993 (6).