An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Zhongguo shuili yaoji congbian 中國水利要籍叢編

Sep 30, 2019 © Ulrich Theobald

Zhongguo shuili yaoji congbian 中國水利要籍叢編 "Collectanea of Important Chinese Writings on River Conservancy" is a geographical series of collectanea (congshu 叢書) focusing on river conservancy. It was compiled during the years 1969-1970 by Shen Yunbian 沈雲龍 (1909-1987). The series includes five series with a total number of 50 texts from the Yuan 元 (1279-1368), Ming 明 (1368-1644) and Qing 清 (1644-1911) periods and the early Republican era (1911-1949).

The books in the series speak about hydraulic engineering, dam construction, the maintenance of canals, tools and implements used for river conservancy, and provide a large amount of maps of various problematic rivers and canals in China, particularly the Yellow River, Huai River 淮河, and the Grand Canal. A lot of texts have the character of local gazetteers, while others have a more jurisdictional character or belong to the genre of historiography.

Only four texts date from the pre-Qing time, thirty from the Qing, and a dozen or so from the Republican era. One book, namely Wu Bangqing's 吳邦慶 (1765-1848) Jifu hedao shuili congshu 畿輔河道水利叢書 is a series itself, including nine books, to that the real number of texts in Shen's collection amounts to 58. The series of Wu Bangqing consists of excerpts of other texts, like the Yixian qinwang shuchao 怡賢親王疏鈔 (from Jifu tongzhi 畿輔通志), Shuili yingtian tushuo 水利營田圖説 (from Huifu tongzhi 徽輔通志), or Zenong yaolu 澤農要錄 (with excerpts from the Qimin yaoshu 齊民要術 and other books).

Among the treatises and documents in Shen Yunlong's series, many are important for the history of water conservation during the late imperial period, but are rarely found in other collections. Such are Pan Shi'en's 潘世恩 (1769-1854) Xu xingshui jinjian 續行水金鑑, Kang Jitian's 康基田 (1732-1813) Hequ jiwen 河渠紀聞, Qiu Buzhou's 邱步洲 Hegong jianyao 河工簡要, Liu E's 劉鶚 (1857-1909) Lidai Huanghe bianqian tukao 歷代黃河變遷圖考 or the non-published writings of Pan Junwen 潘駿文 (d. 1893), Pan Fangbo yigao 潘方伯遺稿. The Republican texs Qingdai hechen zhuan 淸代河臣傳, a biographical collection of high officials responsible for river conservation, the sequel Zaixu xingshui jinjian 再續行水金鑑 and the illustrated history Gujin zhihe tushuo 古今治河圖說, are also very important.

Table 1. The series Zhongguo shuili yaoji congbian 中國水利要籍叢編
(Taiwan) 沈雲龍 Shen Yunlong (comp.)
1969-1970 edition of the Taibei Wenhai Chubanshe 臺北文海出版社
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
行水金鑑 一百七十五卷 Xingshui jinjian (Qing) 傅澤洪 Fu Zehong
水道提綱 二十八卷 Shuidao tigang (Qing) 齊召南 Qi Shaonan
河防志 十二卷 Hefangzhi (Qing) 張希良 Zhang Xiliang
黃運河口古今圖說 一卷 Huangyun hekou gujin tushuo (Qing) 麟慶 Lincing
河工器具圖說 四卷 Hegong qiju tushuo (Qing) 麟慶 Lincing
淮系年表全編 不分卷 Huai ninian biao quanbian (Rep) 武同擧 Wu Tongju
襄隄成案 四卷 Xiangti cheng'an (Qing) 胡子泉 Hu Ziquan; 陳少 Chen Shao (rev.)
西國文鈔 Xiguo wenchao (Qing) 馮道立 Feng Daoli
禹貢圖說 Yugong tushuo (Qing) 周閬仙 Zhou Langxian
直隸旅行報告 Zhili lüxing baogao (Rep) 李協 Li Xie
續行水金鑑 一百五十六卷 Xu xingshui jinjian (Qing) 黎世序 Li Shixu, 潘世恩 Pan Shi'en (comp.)
河防通議 二卷 Hefang tongyi (Yuan) 沙克什 Šakši
至正河防記 (河防記) 一卷 Zhizheng hefang ji (Hefangji) (Yuan) 歐陽玄 Ouyang Xun
問水集 六卷 Wenshuiji (Ming) 劉天和 Liu Tianhe
河防一覽 十四卷 Hefang yilan (Ming) 潘季馴 Pan Jixun
靳文襄公治河方略 十卷 Jin Wenxianggong zhihe fanglüe (Qing) 崔應階 Cui Yingjie (comp.)
河渠紀聞 三十一卷 Hequ jiwen (Qing) 康基田 Kang Jitian (comp.)
淸史河渠志 四卷 Qingshi hequ zhi (Rep) 趙爾巽 Zhao Erxun (comp.)
淸代河臣傳 四卷 Qingdai hechen zhuan (Rep) 汪胡楨 Wu Huzhen, 吳慰祖 Wu Weizu (comp.)
兩軒賸語 Liangxuan shengyu (Rep) 武同擧 Wu Tongju
再續行水金鑑 一百六十卷 Zaixu xingshui jinjian (Rep) 武同擧 Wu Tongju et al.
古今治河圖說 Gujin zhihe tushuo (Rep) 吳君勉 Wu Junmian
畿輔河道水利叢書: Jifu hedao shuili congshu: (Qing) 吳邦俊 Wu Bangjun (comp.)
直隸河渠志 Zhili hequ zhi (Qing) 陳儀 Chen Yi
陳學士文鈔 Chen xueshi wenchao (Qing) 陳儀 Chen Yi
潞水客談 (西北水利議) Lushui ketan (Xibei shuili yi) (Qing) 徐貞明 Xu Zhenming
怡賢親王疏鈔 Yixian qinwang shuchao (Qing) 允祥 Prince Yunxiang
水利營田圖説 Shuili yingtian tushuo (Qing) 陳儀 Chen Yi
徽輔水利輯覽 Huifu shuili jilan (Song) 何承矩 He Chengqu; (Yuan) 虞集 Yu Ji; (Ming) 汪應蛟 Wang Yingjiao et al.
澤農要錄 Zenong yaolu (Qing) 吳邦慶 Wu Bangqing
徽輔水道管見 Huifu shuidao guanjian (Qing) 吳邦慶 Wu Bangqing
徽輔水利私議 Huifu shuili siyi (Qing) 吳邦慶 Wu Bangqing
迴瀾紀要 二卷 Huilan jiyao (Qing) 徐端 Xu Duan
安瀾紀要 二卷 Anlan jiyao (Qing) 徐端 Xu Duan
修防瑣志 二十六卷 Xiufang suozhi (Qing) 李世祿 Li Shilu (narr.)
河務所聞集 六卷 Hewu suowen ji (Qing) 李大鏞 Li Dayong (comp.)
漢州水源册 Hanzhou shuiyuan ce (Qing) 陳銛 Chen Kun (comp.)
復淮故道圖說 Fu Huai gudao tushuo (Qing) 丁顯 Ding Xian
江淮水利調查筆記 Jiang-Huai shuili diaocha biji (Rep) 胡雨人 Hu Yuren
永定河志 三十二卷 Yongding hezhi (Qing) 李逢亨 Li Fengheng
永定河續志 十六卷 Yongding he xuzhi (Qing) 朱其詒 Zhu Qiyi, 蔣廷皐 Jiang Tinghao (comp.)
潘方伯遺稿 六卷 Pan Fangbo yigao (Qing) 潘學祖 Pan Xuezu, 潘延祖 Pan Yanzu (comp.)
退齋賸稿 二卷 Tuizhai shenggao (Qing) 陳啓文 Chen Qiwen
都江堰水利述要 Dujiangyan shuili shuyao (Rep) 盧漢章 Lu Hanzhang (comp.)
河工要義 Hegong yaoyi (Rep) 章晉墀 Zhang Jinxi, 王喬年 Wang Qiaonian (narr.)
防汎須知 Fangfan xuzhi (Rep) 江漢工程局 Jiang-Han gongcheng ju (comp.)
水工學 Shuigongxue (Rep) 李儀祉 Li Yizhi (comp.)
搶險圖譜 Qiangxian tupu (Rep) NN
長江上游宜渝段航行指南 Changjiang shangyou yiyu duan hangxing zhinan (Rep) 顧久寬 Gu Jiukuan (comp.)
欽定河源紀略 三十六卷 (Qinding) Heyuan jilüe (Qing) Ji Yun 紀昀 et al. (comp.)
歷代黃河變遷圖考 四卷 Lidai Huanghe bianqian tukao (Qing) 劉鶚 Liu E
民國江南水利志 十卷 Minguo Jiangnan shuili zhi (Rep) 沈佺 Shen Quan
山東運河備覽 十二卷 Shandong yunhe bianlan (Qing) 陸耀 Lu Yao
河防紀略 四卷 Hefang jilüe (Qing) 孫鼎臣 Sun Dinchen
河工簡要 四卷 Hegong jianyao (Qing) 邱步洲 Qiu Buzhou (comp.)
平灘紀略 六卷 Pingtan jilüe (Qing) 李本忠 Li Benzhong (comp.)
淡災蠡述 一卷 Danzai lishu (Qing) 范鳴龢 Fan Minghe
調查河套報告書 Diaocha Hetao baogao shu (Rep) 馮際隆 Feng Jilong (comp.)
黃河志 (気象篇) Huanghe zhi (Qixiang pian) (Rep) 胡煥庸 Hu Huanyong
Wang Zhaoming 王兆明, Fu Langyun 傅朗雲, ed. (1991). Zhonghua gu wenxian da cidian 中華古文獻大辭典, Vol. Dili 地理卷 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 49.