An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Hanfenlou miji 涵芬樓秘笈

Apr 20, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald

Hanfenlou miji 涵芬樓秘笈 "Secret satchels of the Hanfen Studio" is a series of collectanea (congshu 叢書) compiled by the Republican-period (1912-1949) scholar Sun Yuxiu 孫毓修 (1871-1922) from the Translation Department of the Commercial Press (Shangwu yinshuguan bianyisuo 商務印書館編譯所) in Shanghai. It includes 52 titles in 10 series (ji 集). Most of these titles were written during the Ming 明 (1368-1644) and Qing 清 (1644-1911) periods, and are rarely to be found elsewhere.

The library of the Translation Department was called Hanfenlou Studio (Hanfenlou 涵芬樓) and was founded in 1909. It was famous for its collection of excellent and rare prints, and especially for the local gazetteers (difangzhi 地方志) in the collection. In 1924 the collection was brought to the Eastern Library (Dongfang tushuguan 東方圖書館). The Hanfen Studio acquired books from many private libraries that had been dissolved, like the Rongjingzhushizhai 熔經鑄史齋, Qin-Hanshiqinzhai 秦漢十印齋, Souwenzhai 謏聞齋, Chijingzhai 持靜齋, Yiyuantang 意園堂, Yifengtang 藝風堂, Miyunlou 密韻樓 and the famous Tianyi Library 天一閣. In 1931, the amount of books owned by the Hanfen Studio accrued to 3,745 titles in about 35,000 booklets. This number does still not include the books of the library of the family He 何 from Yangzhou 揚州, Jiangsu, that was bought later.

The collection of the Hanfen Library included two volumes of the Ming-period encyclopaedia Yongle dadian 永樂大典, a Song-period 宋 (960-1279) print of the commentary Chunqiu Zuozhuan zhengyi 春秋左傳正義 (on the Confucian Classic Chunqiu-Zhuozhuan 春秋左傳), a print of the Shiji jijie suoyin zhengyi 史記集解索隱正義 (the history Shiji 史記 and its three commentaries) produced by Huang Shanfu 黄善夫 during the Song period, a fragment of a Yuan-period 元 (1279-1368) revision of a Song-period edition of the history Zizhi tongjian 資治通鑒, and a Yuan- or Ming-period revision of a Song print of the Liuchen zhu Wenxuan 六臣注文選 (the literary collection Wenxuan 文選 with commentaries).

In 1931, there were 2,641 titles in the possession of the Hanfen Studio. An amount of 600 of these have survived – which counts for a small number of the whole collection – and are owned by the National Library 國家圖書館 in Beijing. Zhang Yuanji 張元濟 (1867-1959) has compiled a catalogue of lost books once owned by the Hanfenlou Studio, the Hanfenlou jinyu shulu 涵芬樓燼餘書錄. The rest, about 1,700 books in 460,000 booklets, were destroyed during the Sino-Japanese war.

Between 1916 and 1921, the owners compiled a series that was modeled after the Zhibuzuzhai congshu 知不足齋叢書. The original texts, both prints and manuscripts, were reprinted as facsimile editions, a technique that was very new in China at that time.

The Hanfen Studio also published the series Xu guyu congshu 續古逸叢書, Sibu congkan 四部叢刊 and the famous Bona edition (Bona ben 百衲本) of the Twenty-four official dynastic histories (ershisi shi 二十四史).

Table 1. The series Hanfenlou miji 涵芬樓秘笈
(Rep) 孫毓修 Sun Yuxiu (comp.)
Edition from the Republican period by Shanghai Shangwu Yinshuguan 上海商務印書館
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
忠傳 二卷 Zhongzhuan (Ming) NN
續墨客揮犀 十卷 Xu moke huixi (Song) 彭乘 Peng Cheng
復齋日記 二卷 Fuzhai riji (Ming) 許浩 Xu Hao
識小錄 四卷 Shixiaolu (Ming) 徐樹丕 Xu Shupi
蓬窗類紀 五卷 Pengchuang leiji (Ming) 黃暐 Huang Wei
山樵暇語 十卷 Shanqiao xiayu (Ming) 俞弁 Yu Bian
家訓 一卷 Jiaxun (Ming) 霍韜 Huo Tao
說略 一卷 Shuolüe (Ming) 黃尊素 Huang Zunsu
消夏閑記摘抄 三卷 Xiaoxia xianji zhaichao (Qing) 顧公燮 Gu Gongxie
西湖老人繁勝錄 一卷 Xihu laoren fansheng lu (Song) NN
孫氏書畫鈔 二卷 Sunshi shuhua chao (Ming) 孫鳳 Sun Feng
松下雜抄 二卷 Songxia zachao (Qing) NN
彭氏舊聞錄 一卷 Pengshi jiuwen lu (Qing) 彭孫貽 Peng Sunyi
太僕行略 一卷 Taipu xinglüe (Qing) 彭孫貽 Peng Sunyi
天文書 四卷 Tianwenshu (Ming) 海達兒 Haidar et al. (comp.)
尚書釋文殘 一卷
(附)校語 二卷
Shangshu shiwen can
ap. Jiaoyu
(Tang) 陸德明 Lu Deming
華夷譯語 不分卷 Huayi yiyu (Ming) 火源潔 Huo Yuanjie
厓山集 不分卷 Yashanji (Ming) NN
趙氏家法筆記 一卷 Zhaoshi jiafa biji (Yuan) NN
北湖集 五卷 Beihuji (Song) 吳則禮 Wu Zeli
傍秋亭雜記 二卷 Bangqiuting zaji (Ming) 顧清 Gu Qing
敬業堂集補遺 一卷 Jingyetang ji buyi (Qing) 查慎行 Cha Shenxing; 張元濟 Zhang Yuanji (comp.)
扶風縣石刻記 二卷 Fengfu xian shike ji (Qing) 黃樹穀 Huang Shugu
海濱外史 三卷 Haibin waishi (Qing) 陳維安 Chen Wei'an
明朝紀事本末補編 五卷 Mingchao jishi benmo bubian (Qing) 彭孫貽 Peng Sunyi
存復齋文集 十卷
附錄 一卷
Cunfuzhai wenji
(Yuan) 朱德潤 Zhu Derun
書林外集 七卷 Shulin waiji (Yuan) 袁士元 Yuan Shiyuan
脈望館書目 不分卷 Maiwangguan shumu (Ming) 趙琦美 Zhao Qimei
唐石經考異 不分卷
(附)補 不分卷
Tang shijing kaoyi
app. Bu
(Qing) 錢大昕 Qian Daxin; 臧庸 Zang Yong (suppl.); 孫毓修 Sun Yuxiu (comp.)
冥報記 三卷 Mingbaoji (Tang) 唐臨 Tang Lin
西山日記 二卷 Xishan riji (Ming) 丁元薦 Ding Yuanjian
續名賢小記 一卷 Xu mingxian xiaoji (Qing) 徐晟 Xu Cheng
土苴集 二卷
附錄 一卷
(Ming) 周鼎 Zhou Ding
道餘錄 一卷 Daoyulu (Ming) 姚廣孝 Yao Guangxiao
東洲几上語 一卷
枕上語 一卷
Dongzhou jishang yu
(Song) 施清臣 Shi Qingchen
存復齋續集 一卷 Cunfuzhai xuji (Yuan) 朱德潤 Zhu Derun
山房集 八卷
後稿 一卷
(Song) 周南 Zhou Nan
涇林續記 不分卷 Jinlin xuji (Ming) 周玄暐 Zhou Xuanwei
西溪叢語 二卷 Xixi congyu (Song) 姚寬 Yao Kuan
鼓枻稿 一卷 Guxiegao (Ming) 虞堪 Yu Kan
書經補遺 五卷 Shujing buyi (Yuan) 呂宗傑 Lü Zongjie
雪庵字要 一卷 Xue'an ziyao (Yuan) 李溥光 Li Puguang
鐙窗叢錄 五卷
補遺 一卷
Dengchuang conglu
(Qing) 吳翌鳳 Wu Yifeng
太和正音譜 二卷 Taihe zhengyin pu (Ming) 朱權 Zhu Quan
磯園秘史 三卷 Jiquan baishi (Ming) 孫繼芳 Sun Jifang
南翁夢錄 不分卷 Nanweng menglu (Nam ông mộng lục) (Annam) 黎澄 Lê Trừng
各省進呈書目 不分卷 Gesheng jincheng shumu (Qing) imp. ord.
所安遺集 一卷 Suo'an yiji (Yuan) 陳泰 Chen Tai
漢泉漫稿 五卷 Hanquan mangao (Yuan) 曹伯啟 Cao Boqi
肅雝集 一卷 Suyongji (Yuan) 鄭允端 Zheng Yunduan
金囦集 一卷 Jinyuanji (Yuan) 元淮 Yuan Huai
Shanghai tushuguan 上海圖書館, ed. (1982). Zhongguo congshu zonglu 中國叢書綜錄 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe), Vol. 1, 300-301.
Wang Jiarong 汪家熔 (1993). "Hanfenlou 涵芬樓", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, part Tushuguanxue qingbaoxue dang'anxue 圖書館學•情報學•檔案學 (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), 177.
Wang Qian 王前 (2011). "Hanfenlou miji ben Xihu Laoren fansheng lu qianxi 《涵芬楼秘笈》本《西湖老人繁盛录》浅析", Xiandai jiaoji 现代交际, 2011 (12): 103+102.