An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Sanqu congkan 散曲叢刊

Aug 8, 2022 © Ulrich Theobald

Sanqu congkan 散曲叢刊 is a series of 15 anthologies (therefore also known as Sanqu congkan shiwu zhong 散曲叢刊十五種) of aria-style poems (sanqu 散曲) from the Yuan 元 (1279-1368) to the Qing 清 (1644-1911) period. The collection was compiled by Ren Zhongmin 任中敏 (1897-1991), original first name Ne 訥, style Erbei 二北 or Bantang 半塘, from Yangzhou 揚州, Jiangsu. He was a disciple of Wu Mei 吳梅 (1884-1939), a famous educator and writer (with a focus on theatre), and served as a professor in several universities of China.

Two of the anthologies included were selections created during the Yuan period, namely Yang Chaoying’s 楊朝英 Yangchun baixue 陽春白雪 and Yuefu qunyu 樂府羣玉. Four other anthologies were specialized collections of Yuan-period writers. These are Ma Zhiyuan’s 馬致遠 (c. 1250- c. 1321) Dongli yuefu 東籬樂府, Qiao Ji’s 喬吉 (c. 1280-1345) Mengfu sanqu 夢符散曲, Zhang Kejiu’s 張可久 (c. 1270- c. 1350) Xiaoshan yuefu 小山樂府, and Suantian yuefu 酸甜樂府 by Guan Yunshi 貫雲石 (1286-1324) and Xu Zaisi 徐再思 (c. 1280-1330). The other collections date from the Ming 明 (1368-1644) and Qing periods. The last three texts were compiled by Ren Zhongmin himself.

There was little interest in aria-style poetry in the past. Ren’s collection therefore substantially contributed to the study of this neglected poetry style. His own book "Ten Methods of writings poems" (Zuoci shifa shuzheng 作詞十法疏證) is a critical analysis of Zhou Deqing’s 周德清 (1277-1365) theory of poetry of the Yuan period (see his book Zhongyuan yinyun 中原音韵). In his book "The harmony of qu poetry" (Quxie 曲諧) reviews and appreciates the critique of qu-style poetry (quhua 曲話), and thus adds to much more common modes of literary critique that focused on regular-style (shihua 詩話) and lyric-metre-style poetry (cihua 詞話). Ren’s book Sanqu gailun 散曲概論 systematically discusses the system, characteristics, methods, genres and the history of "scatteres arias" (sanqu).

The book was published in 1930 by the Zhonghua Book Company 中華書局 in Shanghai in two different editions, one with two, and the other with 4 boxes of book volumes. A modern edition was published in 2013 by the Fenghuang Press 鳳凰出版社.

Table 1. The series Sanqu congkan 散曲叢刊
(Rep) 任中敏 Ren Zhongmin (comp.)
1930 edition of Zhonghua Shuju 中華書局
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
樂府新編陽春白雪前集 (陽春白雪) 五卷
後集 五卷
補集 一卷
附校記 一卷
Yuefu xinbian yangchun baixue qianji (Yangchun baixue)
app. Jiaoji
(Yuan) 楊朝英 Yang Chaoying (comp.); (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne (comm., suppl.)
類聚名賢樂府群玉 (樂府群玉) 五卷
Leizhong mingxian yuefu qunyu (Yuefu qunyu)
(Yuan) 胡存善 Hu Cunshan (comp.); (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne (rec.)
東籬樂府 一卷
附錄 一卷
Dongli yuefu
(Yuan) 馬致遠 Ma Zhiyuan; (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne (comp.)
夢符散曲 三卷 Mengfu sanqu (Yuan) 喬吉 Qiao Ji
小山樂府前集今樂府 一卷
後集蘇堤漁唱 一卷
續集吳鹽 一卷
樂府 一卷
外集 一卷
補集 一卷
Xiaoshan yuefu qianji
Houji Suti yuchang
Xuji Wuyan
(Yuan) 張可久 Zhang Kejiu; (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne (comp., suppl.)
酸甜樂府 二卷 Suantian yuefu (Yuan) 貫雲石 Guan Yuanshi, 徐再思 Xu Zaisi; (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne (rec.)
沜東樂府 二卷
補遺 一卷
Pandong yuefu
(Ming) 康海 Kang Hai; (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne (rec., suppl.)
王西樓先生樂府 一卷 Wang Xilou Xiansheng yuefu (Ming) 王磐 Wang Pan
唾窗絨 一卷 Tuochuangrong (Ming) 沈仕 Shen Shi; (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne (comm., comp.)
海浮山堂詞稿 四卷 Haifu shantaang cigao (Ming) 馮惟敏 Feng Weimin
秋水庵花影集 (花影集) 四卷 Qiushui'an huaying ji (Huayingji) (Ming) 施紹莘 Shi Shaoshen
清人散曲選刊 Qingren sanqu xuankan (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne (comp.)
洄溪道情 一卷 Huixi daoqing (Qing) 徐大椿 Xu Dachun
中原音韻作詞十法疏證 一卷 Zhongyuan yinyun zuoci shifa shuzheng (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne
散曲概論 二卷 Sanqu gailun (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne
曲諧 四卷 Quxie (Rep) 任訥 Ren Ne
Cao Mingsheng 曹明升 (2012). "Ren Zhongmin Sanqu congkan de wenxiaxue jiazhi 任中敏《散曲丛刊》的文献学价值", Gudian wenxue zhishi 古典文学知识, 2012 (2): 101-109.
Hong Baizhao 洪柏昭 (1986). "Sanqu congkan 散曲叢刊", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, part Zhongguo wenxue 中國文學 (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), Vol. 2, 686.
Qi Tinggui 戚廷貴, Liu Xiaoyan 劉孝嚴, Tang Shufan 唐樹凡, eds. (1992). Dong-xifang yishu cidian 東西方藝術辭典 (Changchun: Jilin jiaoyu chubanshe), 1270.
Xu Xianglin 許祥麟 (1997). "Sanqu congkan 散曲叢刊", in Men Kui 門巋, Zhang Yanjin 張燕瑾, eds. Zhonghua guocui da cidian 中華國粹大辭典 (Xianggang: Guoji wenhua chuban gongsi), 660.