An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History, Literature and Art

Quanshu yiwen zhi 全蜀藝文志

Apr 9, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald

Quanshu yiwen zhi 全蜀藝文志 is an anthology of writings originating in the province of Sichuan (Shu 蜀) written during the high Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Zhou Fujun 周復俊 (1496-1574), courtesy name Ziyu 子吁, who hailed from Kunshan 昆山, Jiangsu.

Zhou was a director (langzhong 郎中) in the Ministry of Works (gongbu 工部), provincial administration commissioner (buzhengshi 布政使) of Yunnan and vice surveillance commissioner (anchasi fushi 按察司副使) in Sichuan.

His 64-juan long book includes important literary works of Sichuan, based on the collection Chengdu wenlei 成都文類 by the Song-period 宋 (960-1279) scholar Yuan Yueyou 袁說友 (1140-1204). During his service period in Sichuan, Zhou Fujun collected information about local poems and prose writings.

The collection is a very important information about writings that are not preserved in other books, like Luo Bi's 羅泌 (1131-1189) Xingmingpu 姓名譜, Fei Zhu's 費著 Guqipu 古器譜, or Li Shangyin's 李商隱 (813-c.858) Chongyangting ming 重陽亭銘. Each text is commented by Zhou Fujun, and he provides further information on the author and the particular writing.

There is a supplement called Buxu quanshu yiwen zhi 補續全蜀藝文志 compiled by the Qing-period 清 (1644-1911) scholars Du Yingfang 杜應芳 (jinshi degree 1607) and Hu Chengzhao 胡承詔 (jinshi degree 1604).

Ju Xiaofei 琚小費 (2019). "Shuxie yu qianwei: Sikuguan chen dui Quanhu yiwen zhi zuozhe de gaizhuan 書寫與權威:四庫館臣對《全蜀藝文志》作者的改撰", Nanjing Shifan Daxue Wenxueyuan xuebao 南京師範大學文學院學報, 2019 (9).
Kuang Tianquan 曠天全 (2010). "Quanshu yiwen zhi bianzhe kaolun 《全蜀藝文志》編者考論", Mianyang Shifan Xueyuan xuebao 綿陽師範學院學報, 2010 (7).
Lan Yong 藍勇 (1997). "Quanshu yiwen zhi de bianzhe shi shei? 400 duo nian de yi zhuang zhuzuoquan yi'an 《全蜀藝文志》的編者是誰?——400多年前的一樁著作權遺案", Wenshi zazhi 文史雜志, 1997 (2).
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰, ed. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 1, 2876.
Luo Chaohua 羅超華 (2015). "Yang Shen Quanshu yiwen zhi banben ji liuchuan kaolüe 楊慎《全蜀藝文志》版本及流傳考略", Chongqing Youdian Daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 重慶郵電大學學報(社會科學版), 2015 (1).
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1994). Zhonghua gu wenxian da cidian 中華古文獻大辭典, Vol. Wenxue 文學卷 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 246.
Yang Zhao 楊釗 (2014). "Yang Shen bianji Quanshu yiwen zhi kaoshi 楊慎編輯《全蜀藝文志》考釋", Zhonghua wenhua luntan 中華文化論壇, 2015 (10).
Zhao Xiaolan 趙曉蘭, Tong Fu 佟博 (2012). "Quanshu yiwen zhi yu Chengdu wenlei zhong de Du shi 《全蜀藝文志》與《成都文類》中的杜詩", Du Fu yanjiu xuekan 杜甫研究學刊, 2012 (7).