An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Wujun zhi 吳郡志

Mar 21, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald

(Shaoding) Wujun zhi (紹定)吳郡志 "Gazetteer of the Commandery of Wu (from the Shaoding reign)", also called Wumenzhi 吳門志, is a local gazetteer of Suzhou 蘇州 (today in Jiangsu) compiled by the Southern Song-period 南宋 (1127-1279) writer Fan Chengda 范成大 (1126—1193).

The 50-juan long book was finished around 1192 and is based on older sources on the city, like the Wudiji 吳地記 or Wujun tujing duji 吳郡圖經續記. It is divided into 39 chapters providing information on the administrative history of the city, the population census, the tax system, customs and habits, the city walls, schools, markets, temples, gardens, the most important prefects and officials, hydraulic works, or eminent persons from the town.

The book is accompanied by a preface written by Zhao Rutan 趙汝談 (d. 1237) during the Shaoding reign-period 紹定 (1228-1233), when the book was printed. The book was revised in the same year. The traditional chapter on literature (Yiwen 藝文) is included as appendix to the other chapters. The chapter on eminent persons (Renwu 人物) provides the biographies of more than 260 persons from Suzhou and lists more than 450 graduates from the city who obtained the jinshi degree. The chapter on local products (Tuwu 土物) includes interesting objects like the stones of Lake Taihu 太湖石, the green-head ducks (lütou ya 綠頭鴨), the perch (luyu 鱸魚) or green tangerines from Dongting 洞庭綠桔.

The Wujun zhi is included in the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書 and Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編.

Table 1. Contents of the (Shaoding) Wujun zhi (紹定)吳郡志
1. 沿革 Historical development
分野 The starry sky
户口税租 Households and grain tax
土貢 Local tributes
2. 風俗 Customs and habits
3. 城郭 The city wall
4. 學校 Schools
5. 營寨 Garrisons
6. 官宇 Guanyu Offices I
倉庫場務,市樓附 Granaries, local supervision, market halls
坊市 Market quarters
7. 官宇 Offices II
8.-9. 古蹟 Historic places
10. 封爵 Titles of nobility
10.-11. 牧守 Governors
11. 題名 Appointment
12. 官吏 Officials
12.-13. 祠廟 Shrines and temples
14. 園亭 Gardens and pavilions
15. Mountains
16. 虎丘 Tiger Hill
17. 橋梁 Bridges
18. Rivers
19. 水利 Hydraulic work
20.-27. 人物 Eminent persons
28. 進士題名 Graduates of the metropolitan examination
29.-30. 土物 Local products
31. 宮觀 Daoist temples
府郭寺 Buddhist monasteries inside the town
32.-36. 郭外寺 Monasteries outside the town
37.-38. 縣記 The districts
39. 塚墓 Tombs
40.-41. 仙事 Immortals (Daoists)
42. 浮屠 Buddhists
43. 方技 Magicians and astrologers
44. 奇事 Strange matters
45.-47. 異聞 Extraordinary tales
48. 考證 Critical views
49. 雜詠 Miscellaneous praise
50. 雜志 Miscellaneous records
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