Daoshu 道樞 "Pivot of the Dao" is a collection of Daoist texts compiled by the Song period 宋 (960-1279) scholar Zeng Zao 曾慥. The book was finished in 1136. It is 42 juan "scrolls" long (according to other sources, 60 juan, in total 120 juan) and covers 112 different themes. Zeng Zao was fond of Daoist stories and compiled a collection of phantastic stories, the Leishuo 類說, and the Jixianzhuan 集仙傳.
Most texts in the Daoshu are quite short and concise, but are taken from the pool of all different Daoist schools and traditions, and cover all aspects of Daoist religion and philosophy, from the theoretical foundations of the universe to religious beliefs and practices. The texts are taken from various sources through the ages, from the Later Han 後漢 (25-220) to the beginning of the Southern Song period 南宋 (1127-1279). It is an imporant source for the study of Daoism in all its aspects, and is therefore included in the Daoist Canon Daozang 道藏. The names of some chapters follow the titles of the book that served as the respective main source, some that of an author. Chapter titles identical to a book title are not indicating that a whole book has been recorded, but only part of it, and that other sources are also quoted in this chapter. The Daoshu is very important in the study of the growing importance of the practice of inner alchemy after the end of the Tang period 唐 (618-907).