Jan 15, 2011 © Ulrich Theobald
Jixiao xinshu 紀效新書 "New book on effectful discipline" is a military treatise written during the Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Qi Jiguang 戚繼光 (1528-1588), courtesy name Yuanjing 元敬, style Nantang 南塘 or Mengzhu 孟諸, from Dengzhou 登州, Shandong. He hailed from a family of military officers and thus started an early career in the military. Qi participated in campaigns against the Wokou 倭寇 pirates, mainly in the region of Fujian, where he was made provincial general (zongbing 總兵) because of his achievements. Afterwards, he was dispatched to the northern borderland to fight against the Mongols, where he initiated reconstruction works at the Great Wall. He was regarded highly by Counsellor-in-chief Zhang Juzheng 張居正 (1525-1582) and Minister of War Tan Lun 譚綸 (1519-1577). For fourteen years, Qi served as General of Suzhou 薊州, Jiangsu. He was rewarded with the honorific titles of Junior Guardian (shaobao 少保, see Three Dukes) and Grand Guardian of the Heir Apparent (taizi taibao 太子太保).
Qi Jiguang's literary products include, among others, the military treatise Lianbing shiji 練兵實紀. His collected writings are called Zhizhitang ji 止止堂集. Miscellaneous literary products are found in the books Yuyu gao 愚愚稿 and Hengshuo gao 橫槊稿.
The book Jixiao xinshu has a length of 18 juan. There is also a version from the late Ming period with 14 juan, which in some chapters differs from the 18-juan version. The book is enriched with illustrations.
The Jixiao xinshu mainly deals with the body of troops, from selecting able-bodies peasants, grouping them into units, teaching them commands, signals and battle movements, their way of life in the encampments, the art of fighting, and different ways of warfare, especially naval warfare, but also the defence of forts along the coast. From his own experience, the author elucidates the most essential points to be observed. In a general treatise, Qi Jiguang gives an overview of the situation along the southern coast and describes how troops could be trained to meet the challenges the coastal defence was exposed to, for instance. The main enemy in this part of the empire were pirates, not only at the coast but also far into the hinterland, where the raiders had access to along the many rivers and canals.
A general must dispose of a body of able troops on which he could rely in all situations. The spirit of the corps was a fundamental issue which could only built up if the troops learned in practice how to fight. Training was an essential method to have an excellent army at hand. If the soldiers were well-trained in all different fighting methods, they would be able to immediately obey the commander's order and change tactics according to the actual situation. The Jixiao xinshu describes quite a few contemporary firearms and other weapons used in fighting, which shows the wide range of muskets and cannons the Ming armies disposed of.
Several prints from the Ming- and the Qing- 清 (1644-1911) periods exist. One print from 1797 is preserved in Japan. The Jixiao xinshu is included in the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書 and Mohai jinhu 墨海金壺.
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