Nü lunyu 女論語 "The analects for girls" is a book on female conduct. It was written by the Tang-period 唐 (618-907) female writer Song Ruoxin 宋若莘 (d. 820?) in imitation of the Confucian Classic Lunyu 論語 "Confucian Analects".
The Nü lunyu, therefore, also belongs to the so-called Nü sishu 女四書, the "Four Books for Girls", like the ("Male") Lunyu belongs to the Canon of the Four Books (sishu 四書). Like the Lunyu, the Nü lunyu is constructed in a question-and-answer style in which Song Ruoxin answers her daughters' questions. The book was revised by her sister Song Ruozhao 宋若昭 (761-828).
There are two versions of the book. One includes 10 chapters and a preface written by Song Ruoxin. The other version is that included in the Nü sishu. It has 12 chapters, with the two additional parts written in a pretty crude language. In both versions, the text consists of four-syllable verses convenient for mnemonic purposes.
立身之法,惟務清貞。 清則身潔,貞則身榮。 |
For all who are women, first learn to establish yourself. The way to establish oneself lies in purity and chastity. Purity ensures a clean self; chastity brings honour to the self. |
行莫回頭,語莫掀唇。 坐莫動膝,立莫摇裙。 喜莫大笑,怒莫高聲。 |
Do not turn your head while walking; do not open your lips to speak carelessly. Do not move your knees while seated; do not sway your skirt when standing. Do not laugh loudly in joy; do not raise your voice in anger. |
內外各處,男女異群。 莫窺外壁,莫出外庭。 男非眷屬,莫與通名。 女非善淑,莫與相親。 |
In every place, whether inside or out, men and women should not mingle freely. Do not spy through walls; do not step beyond the inner courtyard. Do not share names with men who are not family. Do not grow close to women who are not virtuous or kind. |
立身端正,方可為人。 | Only by standing upright and proper can one truly be a person. |
According to the Nü lunyu, a wife must be not only inferior and subservient, but also wise, intelligent and educated. She has to do female work and to manage the household. It is therefore necessary that, with such a great responsibility, a woman first has to establish herself in life and become a real personality. She must be pure, sincere, trustful, quiet, discrete and honest.
立身 | Lishen | Establishing oneself |
學作 | Xuezuo | Learning conduct |
學禮 | Xueli | Learning etiquette |
早起 | Zaoqi | Getting up early |
事父母 | Shi fumu | Serving the parens |
事舅姑 | Shi jiugu | Serving the parents-in-law |
事夫 | Shifu | Serving the husband |
訓男女 | Xun nannü | Instructing men and women |
營家 | Yingjia | Managing the household |
待客 | Daike | Treating guests |
Supplement: | ||
守節 | Shoujie | Reservation and sparingness |
和柔 | Herou | Harmony and tenderness |