Qisongtang shi xiaolu 七頌堂識小錄 "Petty records on knowledge from the Studio of the Seven Hymns" is a“brush-notes”-style book (biji 筆記) written during the early Qing period by Liu Tiren 劉體仁(1624-?), courtesy name Gongyong 公勇, from Yingchuan穎川 close to Xuchang 許昌, Henan. His highest official position was that of 吏部郎中. Liu was a disciple of Sun Qifeng 孫奇逢 and was befriended to Wang Shizhen 王士禎 and Wang Wan 汪婉, with whom the author exchanged thoughts in the field of connoisseurship. 一卷。 The book of 1 juan length imitates Zhou Mi’s 周密 (1232-1298) Yunyan guoyan lu 雲煙過眼錄. It presents, in 74 brief chapters, notes on ancient paintings, calligraphies and other collectibles. The notes describe the objects, assess their authenticity, and tax their value. The last two entries are about extraordinary occurrences and deviate from the rest of the book. The text was first printed by Master Bao 鮑氏 from Changtang 長塘 in the early 19th century. This edition was reproduced in 1921 by the Gushu Liutong Chu 古書流通處 in Shanghai. It is found in the series Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編, Biji xiaoshuo daguan 筆記小說大觀 and Siku quanshu 四庫全書.