An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Yanshan waiji 儼山外集

Feb 23, 2025 © Ulrich Theobald

Yanshan waiji 儼山外集 is a thematically organised collection of the writings of Lu Shen 陸深 (1477-1544; also written 㴱), original name Rong 榮, courtesy name Ziyuan 子淵, style Yanshan 儼山, from Shanghai. He was an eminent calligrapher and rose to the post of provincial administration commissioner (buzhengshi 布政使) of Sichuan, and even the prestigious office of Director of the Household of the Heir Apparent (zhanshifu zhanshi 詹事府詹事). He was posthumously awarded the title of Vice Minister of Rites (libu shilang 禮部侍郎) and is known by the posthumous title of Lu Wenyugong 陸文裕公.

The Yanshan waiji with a length of 40 juan is a collection of essays which Lu wrote over many years. It was published by his son Lu Ji 陸楫 (1515-1552).

The Shitong huiyao 史通會要 is an extract of the most important statements of Liu Zhiji's 劉知幾 (661-721) history critique Shitong enriched by essential interpretations of scholars on the Shitong. The Tongyilu 同異錄 is a collection of outstanding statements of various historical authors on governance which Lu Shen once presented to the throne. The Gu qiqi lu 古奇器錄 describes outstanding antiques. The book Shuji 書輯 is an essence of various aspects of calligraphy. The remaining books are essays with miscellaneous notes investigating the texts of the Classics, summaries of observations, and discussions on various matters.

Each volume focuses on a specific office or region, and although the individual notes are separated in different essay collections, the overall structure is consistent. While there are some trivial or erroneous statements included, they provide valuable material for research.

The editors of the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書 left out six books, for which reason this edition has only a length of 34 juan instead of the original 40 fascicles.

Table 1. Contents of the Yanshan waiji 儼山外集
(Qing) 陸深 Lu Shen (comp.)
1545 edition
書名, length in juan Title
傳疑錄 二卷 Chuanyilu
河汾燕閒錄 二卷 Hefen yanxian lu
春風堂隨筆 一卷 Chunfengtang suibi
知命錄 一卷 Zhiminglu
金臺紀聞 二卷 Jintai jiwen
原豐堂漫書 一卷 Yuanfengtang manshu
溪山餘話 一卷 Xishan yuhua
玉堂漫筆 三卷 Yutang manbi
停驂錄 一卷 Tingcanlu
續停驂錄 三卷 Xu tingcanlu
豫章漫鈔 四卷 Yuzhang manchao
中和堂隨筆 二卷 Zhonghetang suibi
史通會要 三卷 Shitong huiyao
春雨堂雜鈔 一卷 Chunyutang zachao
同異錄 二卷 (同異鈔) Tongyilu (Tongyichao)
蜀都雜鈔 一卷 Shudu zachao
古奇器錄 一卷 Gu jiqi lu
(附)江東藏書目錄小序 (app.) Jiangdong cangchu mulu xiaoxu
(附)書輯 三卷 (app.) Shuji
Not in Siku quanshu edition:
南巡日錄 一卷 Nanxun rilu
大駕北還錄 一卷 Dajia beihuan lu
淮封日記 一卷 Huaifeng riji
南遷日記 一卷 Nanqian riji
科場條貫 一卷 Kechang tiaoguan
平胡錄 一卷 Pinghulu
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 2029. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Li Yubao 李玉寶. 2014. "Lu Shen Yanshanji banben liubian kao 陸深《儼山集》版本流變考." Tushuguan zazhi 圖書館雜誌 33 (6): 103-106+76.
Shanghai tushuguan 上海圖書館, ed. 1982. Zhongguo congshu zonglu 中國叢書綜錄, vol. 1, 474. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe.
Wang Xingliang 王興亮. 2005. "Lu Shen qi ji Shengjia nanxun rilu 陸深及其《聖駕南巡日錄》." Tushuguan zazhi 圖書館雜誌 2005 (1): 75-78.
Zheng Yunbo 鄭雲波, ed. 1992. Zhongguo gudai xiaoshuo cidian 中國古代小說辭典, 387. Nanjing: Nanjing daxue chubanshe.