An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Zhongguo gu qianbi tupu kaoshi congbian 中國古錢幣圖譜考釋叢編

Dec 15, 2019 © Ulrich Theobald

Zhongguo gu qianbi tupu kaoshi congbian 中國古錢幣圖譜考釋叢編 is a series of collectanea on ancient money published by the Shumu Wenxian Chubanshe 書目文獻出版社 in 1992. It includes the fascimiles of eleven books on coins written between the Song period 宋 (960-1279), like Hong Zun's 洪遵 (1120-1174) Quanzhi 泉志, and the Republican period. Some parts of the text, e.g., such on foreign moneys, are left out. Most books in the series date from the Qing period 清 (1644-1911) and reproduce coins of the authors' collections. They must thus be regarded as catalogues, and not as historical overviews of the history of money, even if Guan Baiyi's 關百益 (1882-1956) Quanyin 泉影, for example, includes the most important moneys of the Qing period, including such issued by rebels and counter-rulers, like Li Zicheng 李自成 Zhang Xianzhong 張獻忠, Wu Sangui 吳三桂 or the Taiping Kingdom 太平天國.

Table 1. The series Zhongguo gu qianbi tupu kaoshi congbian 中國古錢幣圖譜考釋叢編
(PRC) 書目文獻出版社 Shumu Wenxian Chubanshe (comp.)
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
泉志 九卷 Quanzhi (Song) 洪遵 Hong Zun
嘉蔭簃論泉絕句 二卷 Jiayinyi lunquan jueju (Qing) 劉喜海 Liu Xihai
錢式圖 二卷 (卽春草堂集 卷第二十一第二十二) Qianshitu (i.e. Chuncaotang ji, ch. 21-22) (Qing) 謝堃 Xie Kun
錢譜名誌 一卷
圖攷 一卷
Qianpu mingzhi
(Qing) 朱多{火麗} Zhu Duoli
選青小錢 十卷
題詞 一卷
Xuanqing xiaoqian
(Qing) 許元愷 Xu Yuankai
古錢叢話 三卷 Guqian conghua (Qing) 戴煕 Dai Xi
(欽定)錢錄 十五卷 (Qinding) Qianlu (Qing) imp. ord.
歷朝泉法一卷 Lichao quanfa (Qing) 戴振聲 Dai Zhensheng
退庵錢譜 八卷
附錄 一卷
歷代錢譜考 一卷
(附)歷代年號重襲考 一卷
Tui'an qianpu
Lidai qianpu kao
(app.) Lidai nianhao chongxi kao
(Qing) 夏荃 Xia Quan
文韻館藏錢 一卷 Wenyunguan cang qian (Qing) NN
泉影 四卷 Quanying (Rep) 關百益 Guan Baiyi