Feb 5, 2011 © Ulrich Theobald
Longjin fengsui pan 龍筋鳳髓判 "Judgings like dragon thews and phoenix marrow" is an encyclopaedia compiled during the Tang period 唐 (618-907) by Zhang Zu 張鷟 (c. 660-741). Zhang Zu was famous for his literary talent and was called Qingqian Xueshi 青錢學士 "Green Cash Scholar" for the beauty of his poetry. He has also written the unofficial history Chaoye qianzai 朝野僉載.
Very respected in his own time, Zhang Zu dared compile a literary encyclopaedia providing a critical overview of the literature of his own time. He used rhymed verses for the text and thus also gave examples of good poetry worth imitating by the average writer. The book is divided into 51 chapters arranged according to state offices. There was a very detailed original commentary to the text of the 4-juan-long book, which was reconstructed during the Ming period 明 (1368-1644) by Liu Yunpeng 劉允鵬. Of the original 10 juan, only 52 sub-chapters have survived.
The oldest surviving print was produced during the Wanli reign-period 萬曆 (1573-1619). The National Library (Guojia Tushuguan 國家圖書館) owns a print from the Hongzhi reign-period 弘治 (1488-1505). The Longjin fengsui pan is included in the series Huhailou congshu 湖海樓叢書 and Siku quanshu 四庫全書.
Chen Qinna 陳勤娜. 2016. "Longjin fengsui pan de banben ji qi yanbian 《龍筋鳳髓判》的版本及其演變." Henan Jiaoyu Xueyuan xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 河南教育學院學報(哲學社會科學版) 2016 (6): 93-98.
Guo Chengwei 郭成偉. 2006. "Tanglü yu Longjin fengsui pan tixian de Zhongguo chuantong falü yuyan tese 唐律與《龍筋鳳髓判》體現的中國傳統法律語言特色." Faxuejia 法學家 2006 (5): 53-58.
Huo Cunfu 霍存福. 1998. "Fengjin longsui pan panmu poyi: Zhang Zu panci wenmu yuan zi zhenshi anli, zouzhang, shishikao 《龍筋鳳髓判》判目破譯──張鷟判詞問目源自真實案例、奏章、史事考." Jilin Daxue Shehui Kexue Yuan xuebao 吉林大學社會科學學報 1998 (2): 19-27+94.
Huo Cunfu 霍存福. 1997. "Zhang Zu Longjin fengsui pan yu Bai Juyi Jiayi pan yitong lun 張鷟《龍筋鳳髓判》與白居易《甲乙判》異同論." Fanzhi yu shehui fazhan 法制與社會發展 1997 (2): 45-52.
Li Shijin 李世進. 2013. "Cong Longjin fengsui pan kan Tangchao chuqi bianfang wenti 從《龍筋鳳髓判》看唐朝初期邊防問題." Kejiao wenhui 科教文彙 2013 (26): 66-67.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 2035. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Qing Weifu 青維富. 2011. "Longjin fengsui pan yinxing ben shu lüe yu shuping 《龍筋鳳髓判》印行本梳略與述評." Bianji zhi you 編輯之友 2011 (7): 112-114.
Tan Shujuan 譚淑娟. 2010. "Guanyu Zhang Zu Longjin fengsui pan wenfeng wenti de tantao: Jian yu Bai Juyi Baidao pan bijiao 關於張鷟《龍筋鳳髓判》文風問題的探討——兼與白居易《百道判》比較." Jianghai xuekan 江海學刊 2010 (3): 182-187+239.
Tan Shujuan 譚淑娟. 2009. "Longjin fengsui pan de wenxue tezheng 《龍筋鳳髓判》的文學特徵." Guiyang Xueyuan xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 貴陽學院學報(社會科學版) 2009 (3): 62-64.
Wang Zhaotang 王召棠, and Chen Pengsheng 陳鵬生, eds. 1988. Jianming fazhi shi cidian 簡明法制史詞典, 192. Zhengzhou: Henan renmin chubanshe.
Xia Tingting 夏婷婷. 2011. "Lun Longjin fengsui pan zhong dui anjian shishi de tuili fangfa 論《龍筋鳳髓判》中對案件事實的推理方法." Dangdan faxue 當代法學 2011 (1): 28-33.
Xia Tingting 夏婷婷, and Huo Cunfu 霍存福. 2013. "Lun Tangdai Zhang Zu pan'an zelü de fangfa yu jiqiao: Yi Longjin fengsui pan wei yanjiu zhongxin 論唐代張鷟判案擇律的方法與技巧——以《龍筋鳳髓判》為研究中心." Qiusui 求索 2013 (5): 77-79.
Yang Hehao 楊鶴臯. 1996. "Longjin fengsui pan 龍筋鳳髓判." In Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, vol. Zhengzhi falü 政治法律卷, edited by Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, 209. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe.
Zhao Hankun 趙含坤, ed. 2005. Zhongguo leishu 中國類書, 44-45. Shijiazhuang: Hebei renmin chubanshe.