An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Zou Zhengjun yishu 鄒徵君遺書

Jul 31, 2024 © Ulrich Theobald

Zou Zhengjun yishu 鄒徵君遺書 is a collection of the literary remains of Zou Boqi 鄒伯奇 (1819–1869), courtesy name Yi’e 一鶚, Zhijun 徴君 or Tefu 特夫, from Nanhai 南海, Guangdong. He never obtained an office, but remained at his family’s residence and studied various aspects of natural sciences. Zou declined Guo Songtao’s 郭松濤 invitation to take over the post of director of the 天文算學館 in the Tongwenguan 同文館 in Beijing, and likewise did not accept Zeng Guofan’s request to serve in the new 機器製造局 in Shanghai. The Yishu was compiled on the base of Zou’s manuscripts and collections and was published posthumously in 1874 by his friends and disciples. It includes writings on astronomy, geography, physics, metrology and mathematics–mainly geometry. Zou approached his field of study not only by consulting books but also through observation, experimentation, drawing, and calculation to explore the principles. Zou Boqi manufactured instruments such as telescopes, microscopes, cameras, armillary spheres, and astrolabes. The Guangzhou Cultural Relics Management Office (Guangzhou Shi Wenwu Guanli Chu 廣州市文物管理處) still preserves som of the astrolabes, maps, telescopes, and manuscripts he created.

Figures 1-3. Illustrations from the Zou Zhengjun yishu 鄒徵君遺書
Calculation of the centre of gravity of a sound stone (qing 磬).
Rulers with logarithmic scales.
Calculation of half-conic sections.
The book Geshu bu 格術補 "Supplement to the study of optics' is Zou Boqi's representative work in the field of physics. It is one of the earliest and relatively complete works on geometrical optics in modern China. Building upon the optical discussions in the ancient book Mojing 墨經 (see Mozi 墨子) and Shen Kua’s Mengxi bitan 夢溪筆談, the Geshu bu further employs geometrical optics methods to thoroughly analyze concepts such as pinhole imaging, lens principles, lens imaging formulas, combined focal lengths of lens groups, the optical principles of the eye and vision, as well as the structure and principles of telescopes and microscopes. It also discusses telescopes, field lenses, exit pupils 出射光瞳, and vignetting phenomena 漸暈現象. In addition, Zou Boqi made significant contributions to the art of photography. In 1844, he created a photographic device (sheying zhi qi 攝影之器”), which was described as follows: 'A box made of wood, lined with white paper or white glass, with an aperture at the front fitted with a tube and an adjustable lens, and a viewing hole at the back for observing by moving it as desired'. This device is essentially a 'viewfinder (quyingqi 取景器)' Later on, he added a 'light gatherer 收光' (aperture) and a 'spring mechanism 彈簧活動” ' (shutter) along with self-made photosensitive plates, transforming it into a camera. Zou provided detailed descriptions on the production of photosensitive plates, as well as the processes of taking, developing, and printing photographs. Zou Boqi's achievements in optics and photography were influenced by Western techniques. The books Xueji yide (1844) and Cungao deal with astronomical and calendric calculations. Chengfang jieshu and Duishu chiji are mathematical texts which explain, for instance, calculations of logarithm (duishu 對數). Huangyu quanshu (1844) consists of 66 maps of China / the World? Not included in the Zou Boqi yishu are his Celiang beiyao 測量備要 on surveying and his phonological study Yupian leiyin 玉篇類音.

Table 1. Contents of the Zou Zhengjun yishu 鄒徵君遺書
學計一得 二卷 Xueji yide
補小爾雅釋度量衡 一卷 Bu Xiao Erya shi duliangheng
格術補 一卷 Geshu bu
對算尺記 一卷 Duisuan chiji
乘方捷術 三卷 Chengfang jieshu
存稿 一卷 Cungao
輿地全圖 一冊 Yudi quantu
赤道南北恆星圖 二幅 Chidao nanbei hengxin tu
夏氏算學 四種 Xiashi suanxue
徐氏算學 三種 Xushi suanxue
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