Dec 31, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald
Jinsilu 近思錄
Jinsilu 近思錄 "Close thoughts" is a Neo-Confucian treatise written during the Southern Song period 南宋 (1127-1279) by Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130-1200) and Lü Zuqian 呂祖謙 (1137-1181). The idea for the book gained shape during a visit to Lü by Zhu Xi. Both read the writings of the Neo-Confucians Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤 (1017-1073), Zhang Zai 張載 (1020-1077) and the brothers Cheng Hao 程顥 (1032-1085) and Cheng Yi 程頤 (1033-1107) and found, that a beginner would not be able to perceive the real meaning. For this reason, they started compiling a book which, in simple words, would serve as a daily-to-use guideline to Neo-Confucian thought.
The Jinsilu is 14 juan long and includes 14 chapters. The title is derived from a sentence in the Lunyu 論語, where Xizia 子夏, a disciple of Confucius, is approaching knowledge by asking further and further questions. The Jinsilu is a vital work presenting a resumé of the Song-period Confucians' view of human reason and nature (xinglixue 性理學).
A thorough investigation of things (gewu 格物) would lead to the perception of the Heavenly principle (tianli 天理) inherent in all things. In this concept, man had not to follow the actual circumstances of one matter, but he had to become aware that he was part of a wide-ranging natural concept which embraces all objects of the universe. By investigating the reason of all things, the scholar would become aware of Heaven's will, which was deemed as morally good. Once aware of this, this knowledge had to be transformed into practical behaviour in society and politics, concretely spoken, in the adequate social context, and in the case of a ruler, benevolent government. The investigation of things and matters was not meant as scientific research, but as an inner view of the meaning of all things about the universe. A man wanting to achieve this knowledge had thus to search inside his heart, in a very close place (jin 近). This was possible because the Heavenly principle was also immanent in the self of each individual.
The most important traditional commentaries on the Jinsilu are Yongzhai Jinsilu yanzhu 泳齋近思錄衍註 by Yang Boyan 楊伯嵒 (d. 1245), Jinsilu jijie 近思錄集解 by Ye Cai 葉采 (jinshi degree 1241), Jinsilu jijie 近思錄集解 by Li Wenzhao 李文炤 (1672-1735), Jinsilu jijzhu 近思錄集注 by Mao Xinglai 茅星來 (1678-1748), Jinsilu jizhu 近思錄集注 by Jiang Yong 江永 (1681-1762) and Jinsilu buzhu 近思錄補注 by Cheng Hang 陳沆 (1785-1826).
The oldest continuation of Zhu Xi's Jinsilu was written by Cai Mo 蔡模(1188-1246), with the title Xu jinsilu 續近思錄.
Cao Jie 曹潔, and Cheng Shuilong 程水龍. 2016. "Jinsiliu zai Chaoxian Lichao de jieshou yu chuanbo 《近思錄》在朝鮮李朝的接受與傳播." Wenxian 文獻 2016 (4): 159-169.
Chan, Wing-Tsit, and Allen Wittenborn, transl. 2003. "Reflections on Things at Hand (Jinsi lu) and Further Reflections on Things at Hand (Xü Jinsi lu)." In Images of Women in Chinese Thought and Culture: Writings from the Pre-Qin Period through the Song Dynasty, edited by Robin R Wang, 316-326. Indianapolis: Hackett.
Cheng Shuilong 程水龍. 2005. "Jinsilu dui dujing zhixue de zhidao jiazhi 《近思錄》對讀經治學的指導價值." Chuanshan xuekan 船山學刊 2005 (4): 77-79.
Cheng Shuilong 程水龍. 2021. "Lun Chaoxian Lichao jiang Jinsilu zuowei ceshi de lishi wenhua yiyi 論朝鮮李朝將《近思錄》作為策試的歷史文化意義." Zhuzixue yanjiu 朱子學研究 2021 (2): 201-211.
Du Haijun 杜海軍. 2003. "Lü Zuquan yu Jinsilu de bianzuan 呂祖謙與《近思錄》的編纂." Zhongguo zhexue shi 中國哲學史 2003 (4): 43-49.
Fang Xudong 方旭東. 2008. "Jinsilu xinlun 《近思錄》新論." Zhexue yanjiu 哲學研究 2008 (3): 77-84.
Ge Guolong 戈國龍. 2016. "Cong Jinsilu kan Song ru de dao ti guannian 從《近思錄》看宋儒的“道體”觀念." Zongjiao yu zhexue 宗教與哲學 2016 (1): 319-327.
Hu Cui’e 胡翠娥, and Cui Jia 崔佳. 2024. "Jingzhuan hekan suiwen yiyi: Lun Chen Rongjie yi Jinsilu de yi Zhu shi Zhu fan jinlu 經傳合刻·隨文釋義——論陳榮捷譯《近思錄》的以朱釋朱翻譯進路." Zhongguo fanyi 中國翻譯 45 (2): 103-110.
Li Kun 李坤. 2024. "Song-Ming lixue fenxi xushu fangfa fanshi: Yi Jinsilu yu Taiji tushuo wei li 宋明理學分析和敘述方法範式——以《近思錄》與《太極圖說》為例." Gujin wenchuang 今古文創 2024 (30): 56-58.
Li Shijin 李士金. 2010. "Cong Jinsilu kan Zhu Xi de bianji sixiang 從《近思錄》看朱熹的編輯思想." Bianji xuekan 編輯學刊 2010 (3): 69-71.
Li Tao 李濤. 2008. "Tian ren zhi ji, you yuzhou lun dao lunlixue: Cong Jinsilu kan Songdai lixue daoti guannian de yanbian 天人之際,由宇宙論到倫理學——從《近思錄》看宋代理學道體觀念的演變." Anhui wenxue (xiabanyue) 安徽文學(下半月) 2008 (11): 336-337.
Li Xiangjun 李祥俊, and Jia Yazhao 賈椏釗. 2014. "Jinsilu yu Zhongguo chuantong zhexue de tici jiegou 《近思錄》與中國傳統哲學的體系結構." Zhexue yanjiu 哲學研究 2014 (9): 40-46+129.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 1552. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Liu Jianli 劉建麗. 1988. "Jinsilu 近思錄." In Zhongguo ruxue cidian 中國儒學辭典, edited by Zhou Jihui 趙吉惠, and Guo Hou’an 郭厚安1988 第415. Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe.
Lü Xin 呂欣. 2021. "Jinsilu de chengshu dongyin yu lishi yiyi 《近思錄》的成書動因與歷史意義." Yuandao 原道 2021 (2): 273-282.
Pan Fu'en 潘富恩. 1992. "Jinsilu 近思錄." In Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, vol. Zhexue 哲學卷, edited by Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, 553. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe.
Tian Wenjun 田文軍. 2013. "Gudian Zhongguo zhexue shi yanjiu de yi zhong fanxing: Du Zhu Xi bianzuan de Yi-Luo yuanyuan lu yu Jinsilu 古典中國哲學史研究的一種範型——讀朱熹編纂的《伊洛淵源錄》與《近思錄》." Zhuzi xuekan 朱子學刊 2013 (1): 1-8.
Tillman, Hoyt. 2003. "Jinsi lu (Reflections on Things at Hand)." In RoutledgeCurzon Encyclopedia of Confucianism, edited by Yao Xinzhong, 304-305. New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
Wu Jiewen 吳捷文. 1997. "Jinsilu 近思錄." In Zhongguo ruxue 中國儒學, edited by Pang Pu 龐樸, vol. 3, 185. Shanghai: Dongfang chuban zhongxin.
Xu Jiaxing 許家星. 2019. "Jinsilu, si zi zhi jieti shuo zhi chongsi “《近思錄》, 四子之階梯”說之重思." Zhongguo zhexue shi 中國哲學史 2019 (1): 63-69.
Xu Xinghai 徐興海, and Liu Jianli 劉建麗, eds. 2000. Rujia wenhua cidian 儒家文化辭典, 244. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe.
Yang Meng 楊濛. 2022. "Beisong sizi xin lun: Jinsilu juan si zhi yanjiu 北宋四子“心”論——《近思錄》卷四之研究." Gujin wenchuang 今古文創 2022 (3): 56-59.
Zhang Liwen 張立文. 1986. "Jinsilu 近思錄." In Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, part Zhexue 哲學, vol. 1, 367. Beijing and Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe.
Zhou Guidian 周桂鈿. 1993. "Jinsilu 近思錄." In Shijie baike zhuzuo cidian 世界百科著作辭典, edited by Ru Xin 汝信, 54. Beijing: Zhongguo gongren chubanshe.
Zhu Gaozheng 朱高正. 2017. "Cong zhonghe jiu shuo dao zhonghe xinshuo tan Zhuzi xinxue de xingcheng: Yi Jinsilu wei li 從“中和舊說”到“中和新說”談朱子心學的形成——以《近思錄》為例." Zhuzi xuekan 朱子學刊 2017 (1): 1-11.
Zhu Hanmin 朱漢民. 2022. "Jinsilu de daoxue tixi yu sixiang tese 《近思錄》的道學體系與思想特色." Beijing Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 北京大學學報(哲學社會科學版) 59 (3): 5-13.
Zhu Xianfeng 朱鮮峰. 2023. "Lun Songdai lixue jiaoyu sixiang de zhankai: Yi Jinsilu wei zhongxin 論宋代理學教育思想的展開——以《近思錄》為中心." Jiaoyu wenhua luntan 教育文化論壇 15 (4): 27-34.
Zhu Shengping 朱聖平, and Li Haifeng 李海峰. 2008. "Cong Jinsilu zhong kuitan Zhu Xi daoti xueshuo de yuanyuan 從《近思錄》中窺探朱熹道體學說的淵源." Sheke zongheng (Xinli lun ban) 社科縱橫(新理論版) 2008 (2): 205-206.
Guang jinsilu 廣近思錄
Guang jinsilu 廣近思錄 "Enlarged 'Close Thoughts'" or Xu jinsilu 續近思錄 "Continued 'Close Thoughts'" is a philosophical treatise written during the Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Zhang Boxing 張伯行 (1651-1725), compiler of the educational compendium Yangzheng leibian 養正類編. The 14-juan-long book is intended as a continuation of the book Jinsilu 近思錄 that was written during the Southern Song period 南宋 (1127-1279) by the eminent philosopher Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130-1200). The author consequently imitates the structure of the Jinsilu.
The text consists of philosophical ideas as explained by the seven Confucian scholars Zhang Shi 張栻 (1133-1180), Lü Zuqian 呂祖謙 (1137-1181), Huang Gan 黃幹 (1152-1221), Xu Heng 許衡 (1209-1281), Xue Xuan 薛瑄 (1389-1464), Hu Juren 胡居仁 (1434-1484) and Luo Qinshun 羅欽順 (1465-1547) who lived between the Song and the Ming 明 (1368-1644) periods. It includes quotations from their writings, historical discourses, essays and theories, making out 15 chapters. The Guang jinsilu is a collection of the Neo-Confucian theorems of Zhu Xi's disciples and their schools.
The book is included in the series Zhengyitang quanshu 正誼堂全書 and Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編.
Xu jinsilu 續近思錄
Another book with the title Xu jinsilu was written by the Qing-period scholar Zheng Guangxi 鄭光羲, courtesy name Mingke 夕可, from Wuxi 無錫, Jiangsu. His 28-juan-long book is a kind of summary of Ming and early Qing Confucianism, the first part focusing on the thinkers Xue Xuan, Hu Juren, Chen Xianzhang 陳獻章 (1428-1500) and Gao Panglong 高攀龍 (1562-1626), and the second part on Wang Shouren 王守仁 (Wang Yangming 王陽明, 1472-1529), Gu Xiancheng 顧憲成 (1550-1612), Qian Yiben 錢一本 (1539-1610), Wu Guisen 吳桂森 (1565-1632), Hua Zhenyuan 華貞元 (fl. 1576) and Hua Yiceng 華儀曾. Zheng Guangxi praises the Song-period master Zhu Xi 朱熹 for renovating the Way of Confucius, and Gao Panglong for rejuvenating the teachings of Zhu Xi.
Jinsi xulu 近思續錄
A further continuation, Jinsi xulu 近思續錄, with 4 fascicles, was written by Liu Yuanlu 劉源淥 (1619-1700), courtesy name Kunshi 昆石, style Zhizhai 直齋, from Anqiu 安邱, Shandong. It quotes from Zhu Xi's Huowen 或問, Zhuzi yulei 語類 and his collected writings Zhuzi wenji 朱子文集.
Chan, Wing-Tsit, and Allen Wittenborn, transl. 2003. "Reflections on Things at Hand (Jinsi lu) and Further Reflections on Things at Hand (Xü Jinsi lu)." In Images of Women in Chinese Thought and Culture: Writings from the Pre-Qin Period through the Song Dynasty, edited by Robin R Wang, 316-326. Indianapolis: Hackett.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 1590, 1591, 1595. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Yan Zuozhi 嚴佐之. 2014. "Jinsilu houxu zhushu ji qi sixiang xueshu shi yiyi 《近思錄》後續著述及其思想學術史意義." Wen-shi-zhe 文史哲 2014 (1): 56-65+166.