Nov 15, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald
Xinlun 新論 "New Discussions", also called Huanzi xinlun 桓子新論, is a political and philosophical treatise written during the early Later Han period 後漢 (25-220) by Huan Tan 桓譚 (23 BCE-56 CE). According to ancient bibliographies, the original book was 17-juan long. During the late Tang period 唐 (618-907), it was lost, but the 16 chapters (probably as much as 29) could be reconstructed from quotations in other books.
Huan Tan stressed that the emperor had to concentrate as much power as possible in his hands. He had to rely on able advisors and express his benevolence to the people. Rules and regulations had to be made clear, and the administrative corps of state officials had to be instructed and guided by rewards and punishment. This standpoint in state philosophy is quite legalistic and shows that the drive for a strong central government prevailed over a Confucian concept at that time. In philosophy, Huan Tan discarded the popular apocryphal writings (chenwei 讖緯) and criticised the contemporary practice of magic. In this respect, Huan Tan had some influence on Wang Chong 王充 (27-97 CE) and his book Lunheng 論衡, as well as philosophers like Yang Quan 楊泉 (late 3rd cent.) and Fan Zhen 范縝 (c. 450-510). Yet Huan Tan also explored the field of metaphysics where he brought forward the tenet that spirit (jingshen 精神) could not be without a physical body (xingti 形體).
The most critical editions of the Xinlun are those by the Qing-period 清 (1644-1911)
scholars Yan Kejun 嚴可均 (1762—1843) and Sun Fengyi 孫馮翼 (fl. 1799). In 1977, the Shanghai Renmin Press 上海人民出版社 published a modern edition of the Yan edition.
Table 1. Contents of the Xinlun 新論
1. |
本造 |
The creation of the origin |
2. |
王霸 |
Kingship and hegemony |
3. |
求輔 |
Seeking assistance in governance |
4. |
言體 |
The forms of speech |
5. |
見徵 |
Recognising signs of evidence |
6. |
譴非 |
Censuring the wrong |
7. |
啟寤 |
Awakening consciousness |
8. |
祛蔽 |
Removing obscurations |
9. |
正經 |
Rectifying the Classics |
10. |
識通 |
Knowledge and understanding |
11. |
離事 |
Separation of affairs |
12. |
道賦 |
The rhapsody of the Way |
13. |
辨惑 |
Distinguishing doubts |
14. |
述策 |
Describing strategies |
15. |
閔友 |
Caring for friends |
Chen Jinsheng 陳金生. 1987. "Xinlun 新論." In Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, part Zhexue 哲學, vol. 2, 1020. Beijing and Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe.
Chen Ying 陳瑛, and Xu Qixian 許啟賢, eds. 1989. Zhongguo lunli da cidian 中國倫理大辭典, 681. Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe.
Gao Shen 高深. 2015. "Lun Huan Tan Xinlun dui Zhuangzi de jicheng 論桓譚《新論》對《莊子》的繼承." Gansu shehui kexue 甘肅社會科學 2015 (6): 238-242.
Guo Yin 郭茵. "Huan Tan ji qi Xinlun kaobian 桓譚及其《新論》考辨." Huaiyin Shizhuan xuebao 淮陰師專學報 1996 (3): 35-40.
Guo Peng 郭鵬. 2003. "Huan Tan dui Wenxin diaolong de yingxiang 桓譚對《文心雕龍》的影響." Nandu xuetan 南都學壇 2003 (5): 61-63.
Li Bingzhong 李秉忠, Wei Canjin 衛燦金, and Lin Conglong 林從龍, eds. 1990. Jianming wenshi zhishi cidian 簡明文史知識詞典, 726. Xi'an: Shaanxi renmin chubanshe.
Lin Fei 林非, ed. 1997. Zhongguo sanwen da cidian 中國散文大辭典, 55. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe.
Liu Han 劉涵. 2020. "Huan Tan Xinlun suo chuandi de shikong guannian 桓譚《新論》所傳遞的時空觀念." Dazhong wenyi 大眾文藝 2020 (22): 11-12.
Liu Ying 劉瑩. 2024. "Huan tan de yinyue zhiguan yu yinyue sixiang yanjiu 桓譚的音樂職官與音樂思想研究." Zhongguo yinyueju 中國音樂劇 2024 (1): 34-37.
Ning Lili 寧莉莉, and Wang Chuanming 王傳明. 2013. "Huan Tan Xinlun zhong gouguai gushi de shenceng yiyun 桓譚《新論》中狗怪故事的深層意蘊." Qi-Lu Shifan Daxue xuebao 齊魯師範學院學報 28 (5): 79-82.
Pokora, Timoteus. 1993. "Hsin lun." In Early Chinese Texts: A Bibliographical Guide, edited by Michael Loewe, 158-160. Berkeley: Society for the Study of Early China/Institute of East Asian Studies.
Sun Shaohua 孫少華. 2018. "Sishi wuxing yu Liang-Han zhi ji de sisheng wuse: Huan Tan dui sishi wuxing zhi yue de gongxian ji qi wenyue yiyi “四時五行”與兩漢之際的“四聲五色”——桓譚對“四時五行之樂”的貢獻及其文學意義." Baoji Wenli Xueyuan xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 寶雞文理學院學報(社會科學版) 38 (6): 12-16.
Wang Ling 王菱. 2001. "Yan Kejun ji Huan Tan Xinlun yiwen shangyi 嚴可均輯桓譚《新論》佚文商議." Sichuan Shifan Daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 四川師範大學學報(社會科學版) 2001 (4): 31.
Wang Wei 王維. 2019. "Sixiang shi shiyu xia de Huan Tan yuelun yanjiu: Yi Huan Tan Xinlun wei li 思想史視閾下的桓譚樂論研究——以桓譚《新論》為例." Xinghai Yinyue Xueyuan xuebao 星海音樂學院學報 2019 (1): 71-78.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. 1987. Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典, 893. Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe.
Yuan Wenchun 袁文春. 2011. "Huan Tan xiaoshuo sixiang de xinbian 桓譚小說思想的新變." Wenyi pinglun 文藝評論 2011 (4): 90-93.
Yang Shengli 楊勝利. 2013. "Huan Tan Xinlun de sixiang tezheng 桓譚《新論》的思想特徵." Changchun Jiaoyu Xueyuan xuebao 長春教育學院學報 29 (17): 42+55.
Zhang Tao 張濤. 1999. "Huan Tan Yixue sixiang chutan 桓譚易學思想初探." Guanzi xuekan 管子學刊 1999 (3): 72-76.
Zhang Xinxin 張馨心, and Qing Zhenxuan 慶振軒. 2006. "Huan Tan Xinlun sanlun 桓譚《新論》散論." Sheke zongheng 社科縱橫 2006 (12): 93-94.