Feb 1, 2011 © Ulrich Theobald
Yuzi 鬻子 "Master Yu" is a collection of various sayings of a certain Master Yu Xiong 鬻熊 (dates not known) from the Zhou period 周 (11th cent.-221 BCE). The imperial bibliography Yiwen zhi 藝文志 in the official dynastic history Hanshu 漢書 speaks of 22, and the book Yilin 意林 from the Southern Dynasties period 南朝 (420~589) of 6 chapters. In comparison, the received version has 14 chapters. The commentary of Feng Xinggui 逢行珪 from the Tang period 唐 (618-907) calls the book a chaotic assortment of various statements which are only fragmentarily preserved. The book therefore never attracted the attention of scholars and is rarely studied. Some even doubted the authenticity of the surviving paragraphs, yet Song Liang 宋濂 (1310-1381), a Ming-period 明 (1368-1644) scholar, identified it as an authentic ancient text.
The text's authorship is attributed to Yu Xiong, who is believed to have been a "teacher" of the first kings of the Zhou dynasty. He must thus have lived in the 11th century BCE and probably originated in the southern state of Chu 楚 or among the Miao tribes 苗.
The philosophy of the book Yuzi is mainly Daoist, regarding the universe and all creations within it as subject to ever-lasting change, living and dying being connected in a permanent cycle of reproduction. The bibliography in the Hanshu, therefore, lists it among the Daoist books. Whether Daoist thought stood in the book's centre in unknown because only fragments are preserved. It was hence later classified as a "miscellaneous treatise".
The Yuzi is included in the series Miaomiaoge congshu 綿眇閣叢書, Bieliuzi quanshu 别六子全書, Shi'erzi 十二子, Zihui 子彙, Mohai jinhu 墨海金壺, Shoushange congshu 守山閣叢書, Zhuzi baoyi 諸子褒异 (Zide Studio 自得軒 of Yang Shen 楊慎), Wuzi 五子 (a print from the Jiajing era 嘉靖 1522-1566), the Daoist canon Daozang 道藏, and the Siku quanshu 四庫全書.
Chen Zili 陳自力. 2000. "Fengben Yuzi kaobian 逄本《鬻子》考辨." Guangxi Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 廣西大學學報(哲學社會科學版) 2000 (1): 67-74.
Lai Kehong 來可泓. 1997. "Yuzi 鬻子." In Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, vol. Zongjiao 宗教卷, edited by Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, 683. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe.
Li Shuihai 李水海, ed. 1994. Zhongguo xiaoshuo da cidian 中國小說大辭典, vol. Xian-Qin zhi Nanbeichao 先秦至南北朝卷, 107. Xi'an: Shaanxi renmin chubanshe.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, and Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, eds. 1996. Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典, vol. 2, 1871. Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe.
Liu Jianguo 劉建國. 1994. "Yuzi weishu bianzheng 《鬻子》偽書辨正." Changbai xuekan 長白學刊 1994 (2): 8-12.
Liu Peide 劉佩德. 2014. "Qunshu zhiyao, Shuofu suo shou Yuzi hejiao 《群書治要》、《說郛》所收《鬻子》合校." Guanzi xuekan 管子學刊 2014 (4): 88-90.
Liu Peide 劉佩德. 2015. "Yuzi pianmu kao 《鬻子》篇目考." Guji zhengli yanjiu xuekan 古籍整理研究學刊 2015 (1): 17-19.
Liu Peide 劉佩德. 2017. "Yuzi chuanben zonglun 《鬻子》傳本綜論." Taizhou xueshu 泰州學術 2017: 42-53.
Ma Chenxue 馬晨雪. 2014. "Yuzi zhenwei kao 《鬻子》真偽考." Xiandai yuwen (Xueshu zonghe ban) 現代語文(學術綜合版) 2014 (6): 8-10.
Pan Mingji 潘銘基. 2010. "Yuzi yu Jia Yi Xinshu huwen kao 《鬻子》與賈谊《新書》互文考." Guji zhengli yanjiu xuekan 古籍整理研究學刊 2010 (2): 25-30.
Schipper, Kristofer. 2004. "Yuzi." In The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang, edited by Kristofer Schipper, and Franciscus Verellen, vol. 1, 69. Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press.
Qin Xiao 秦曉. 2023. "Ershiyi shiji yilai Yuzi yanjiu shuping 21世紀以來《鬻子》研究述評." Wenshi zazhi 文史雜志 2023 (1): 93-96.
Wang Qizhou 王齊洲. 2006. "Hanzhi zhulu zhi xiaoshuojia Yi Yin shuo, Yuzi shuo kaobian 《漢志》著錄之小說家《伊尹說》《鬻子說》考辨." Wuhan Daxue xuebao (Renwen kexue ban) 武漢大學學報(人文科學版) 2006 (5): 561-565.
Wei Hongyan 魏鴻雁. 2013. "Feng Xinggui Yuzi zhu yu Hanzhi xiaoshuo Yuzi shuo guanxi kaobian 逄行珪《鬻子注》與漢志小說《鬻子說》關係考辨." Anyang Shifan Xueyuan xuebao 安陽師範學院學報 2013 (3): 58-61.
Yuan Xingpei 袁行霈, and Hou Zhongyi 侯忠義, eds. 1981. Zhongguo wenyan xiaoshuo shumu 中國文言小說書目, 5. Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe.
Zheng Yunbo 鄭雲波, ed. 1992. Zhongguo gudai xiaoshuo cidian 中國古代小說辭典, 1. Nanjing: Nanjing daxue chubanshe.