An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Fayuan zhulin 法苑珠林

Oct 31, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

Fayuan zhulin 法苑珠林 "The pearl forest in the dharma park" is a Buddhist encyclopaedia written during the Tang period 唐 (618-907) by the monk Daoshi 道世 (mid-7th cent.) and finished in 668.

It has a length of 100 juan and is divided into 30 parts covering 180 topics. The encyclopaedia quotes from more than 400 books, mostly Buddhist literature. Daoshi first extracted phrases from the literature and compiled a kind of draft called Zhujing jiyao 諸經集要 "Collection of important [matters] of all sutras/writings". Because the book quotes also from non-Buddhist literature it can also be used by scholars from other fields. It is part of the Taishō Tripitaka 大正新脩大藏經 (T 2122).

Table 1. Contents of the Fayuan zhulin 法苑珠林
1. 劫量 The measurement of world ages (kalpas)
2. 三界 The Three Realms
3. 日月 Sun and Moon
4. 六道 The Six Ways [of Rebirth]
5. 千佛 One Thousand Buddhas
6. 敬佛 The veneration of the Buddha
7. 敬法 Adherence to the teachings (dharma)
8. 敬僧 The veneration of monks
9. 致拜 Zhibai
10. 福田 Futian
11. 歸信 Guixin
12. 士女 Shinü
13. 入道 Rudao
14. 慚愧 Cankui
15. 獎道 Zangdao
16. 說聽 Shuode
17. 見解 Jianjie
18. 宿命 Suming
19. 至誠 Zhicheng
20. 神異 Shenyi
21. 感通 Gantong Sensitivity
22. 住持 Zhuchi
23. 潛遁 Qiandun
24. 妖怪 Yaoguai
25. 變化 Bianhua
26. 眠夢 Mianmeng
27. 興福 Xingfu
28. 攝念 Shenian
29. 發願 Fayuan
30. 法服 The monk's robe
31. 燃燈 Randeng
32. 懸幡 Xuanfan
33. 香華 Xianghua
34. 唄讚 Beizan
35. 敬塔 Jingta
36. 伽藍 Qielan Monasteries
37. 舍利 Sheli Stupas
38. 破邪 Poxie
39. 富貴 Nobility and wealth
40. 貧賤 Poverty and austerity
41. 債負 Zhaize
42. 諍訟 Zhengsong
43. 誣謗 Wubang
44. 祝術 Zhushu
45. 祭祀 Jisi
46. 占相 Zhanxiang
47. 供養 Gongyang
48. 受請 Shouqing
49. 輪王 The king of the wheel [of teachings]
50. 君臣 Lord and minister
51. 納諫 Najian
52. 審察 Shencha
53. 思慎 Sishen
54. 儉約 Jianyue
55. 懲過 Zhengguo
56. 和順 Heshun
57. 誡勗 Jiexu
58. 忠孝 Loyalty and filialty
59. 不孝 Giving up filialty
60. 報恩 Bao'en
61. 背恩 Bei'en
62. 善友 Shanyou
63. 惡友 Wuyou
64. 擇交 Zejiao
65. 眷屬 Worldly relatives
66. 校量 Jiaoliang
67. 機辯 Jibian
68. 愚戇 Yugan
69. 詐偽 Zhawei
70. 墮慢 Duoman
71. 祈雨 Prayers for rain
72. 園菓 Gardens and fruits
73. 漁獵 Fishing and hunting
74. 慈悲 Cibei
75. 放生 Fangsheng
76. 救厄 Jiu'e
77. 怨苦 Yuanku
78. 業因 Yeyin
79. 受報 Shoubao
80. 罪福 Zuifu
81. 欲蓋 Yugai
82. 四生 Sisheng
83. 十使 Shishi
84. 十惡 Shi'e
85. 六度 Liudu
86. 懺悔 Chenhui
87. 受戒 Shoujie
88. 破戒 Pojie
89. 受齋 Shouzhai
90. 破齋 Breaking a fast
91. 賞罰 Reward and punishment
92. 利害 Lihai
93. 酒肉 Wine and meat
94. 穢濁 Huizhuo
95. 病苦 Bingku
96. 捨身 Sheshen
97. 送終 Songzhong
98. 法滅 Famie
99. 雜要 Miscellaneous commandments
100. 傳記 Biographies
Zhao Hankun 趙含坤. 2005. Zhongguo leishu 中國類書, 40-41. Shijiazhuang: Hebei renmin chubanshe.