Fayuan zhulin 法苑珠林 "The pearl forest in the dharma park" is a Buddhist encyclopaedia written during the Tang period 唐 (618-907) by the monk Daoshi 道世 (mid-7th cent.) and finished in 668.
It has a length of 100 juan and is divided into 30 parts covering 180 topics. The encyclopaedia quotes from more than 400 books, primarily Buddhist literature. Daoshi first extracted phrases from the literature and compiled a kind of draft called Zhujing jiyao 諸經集要 "Collection of important [matters] of all sutras/writings". Because the book quotes also from non-Buddhist literature, it can also be used by scholars from other fields. It is part of the Taishō Tripitaka 大正新脩大藏經 (T 2122).
1. | 劫量 | The measurement of world ages (kalpas) |
2. | 三界 | The Three Realms |
3. | 日月 | Sun and Moon |
4. | 六道 | The Six Ways [of Rebirth] |
5. | 千佛 | One Thousand Buddhas |
6. | 敬佛 | Reverence for the Buddha |
7. | 敬法 | Reverence for the teachings (dharma) |
8. | 敬僧 | Reverence for the sangha (monks' community) |
9. | 致拜 | Paying respect |
10. | 福田 | Fields of merit |
11. | 歸信 | Taking refuge in belief |
12. | 士女 | Men and women (lay practitioners) |
13. | 入道 | Entering the path |
14. | 慚愧 | Shame and regret |
15. | 獎道 | Encouragement on the path |
16. | 說聽 | Teaching and tistening |
17. | 見解 | Insight |
18. | 宿命 | Past lives |
19. | 至誠 | Utmost sincerity |
20. | 神異 | Divine or supernatural powers |
21. | 感通 | Spiritual Response (communication) |
22. | 住持 | The abbot |
23. | 潛遁 | Retreating from worldly affairs |
24. | 妖怪 | Demons and monsters |
25. | 變化 | Transformation |
26. | 眠夢 | Sleep and dreams |
27. | 興福 | Promoting good fortune |
28. | 攝念 | Mindfulness |
29. | 發願 | Making vows |
30. | 法服 | The monk's robe |
31. | 燃燈 | Lighting lamps (of wisdom) |
32. | 懸幡 | Hanging banners (for ceremonies) |
33. | 香華 | Incense and flowers (for offerings) |
34. | 唄讚 | Chanting and praise |
35. | 敬塔 | Reverence for stupas |
36. | 伽藍 | Monasteries |
37. | 舍利 | Stupas with relics |
38. | 破邪 | Destroying heresy |
39. | 富貴 | Wealth and honour |
40. | 貧賤 | Poverty and low status |
41. | 債負 | Debt and burden |
42. | 諍訟 | Lawsuits and disputes |
43. | 誣謗 | Slander and defamation |
44. | 祝術 | Incantations or rituals |
45. | 祭祀 | Sacrifices and offerings |
46. | 占相 | Divination or omens |
47. | 供養 | Offerings to the Buddha or the sangha |
48. | 受請 | Receiving invitations |
49. | 輪王 | The Wheel-Turning King |
50. | 君臣 | Rulers and ministers |
51. | 納諫 | Accepting advice |
52. | 審察 | Investigation or inquiry |
53. | 思慎 | Caution in thought |
54. | 儉約 | Frugality and austerity |
55. | 懲過 | Punishment of misdeeds |
56. | 和順 | Harmony and compliance |
57. | 誡勗 | Admonishment and encouragement |
58. | 忠孝 | Loyalty and filiality |
59. | 不孝 | Disrespect to parents |
60. | 報恩 | Repaying gratitude |
61. | 背恩 | Betraying gratitude |
62. | 善友 | Good friends |
63. | 惡友 | Bad friends |
64. | 擇交 | Choosing companions |
65. | 眷屬 | Worldly relatives |
66. | 校量 | Measuring and comparison |
67. | 機辯 | Skills in debate |
68. | 愚戇 | Foolishness or stupidity |
69. | 詐偽 | Deception and falsehood |
70. | 墮慢 | Falling into arrogance |
71. | 祈雨 | Prayers for rain |
72. | 園菓 | Garden fruits |
73. | 漁獵 | Fishing and hunting |
74. | 慈悲 | Compassion and mercy |
75. | 放生 | Releasing living animals |
76. | 救厄 | Deliverance from danger |
77. | 怨苦 | Grievances and sufferings |
78. | 業因 | Karma and its causes |
79. | 受報 | Receiving the fruits of karma |
80. | 罪福 | Sins and merits |
81. | 欲蓋 | Covers of desire |
82. | 四生 | The four types of birth |
83. | 十使 | The ten hindrances |
84. | 十惡 | The ten evils |
85. | 六度 | The six perfections |
86. | 懺悔 | Repentance and regret |
87. | 受戒 | Receiving the vinaya |
88. | 破戒 | Breaking the vinaya |
89. | 受齋 | Receiving the fast |
90. | 破齋 | Breaking the fast |
91. | 賞罰 | Reward and punishment |
92. | 利害 | Profits and losses |
93. | 酒肉 | Wine and meat |
94. | 穢濁 | Pollution and defilement |
95. | 病苦 | Illness and suffering |
96. | 捨身 | Self-sacrifice |
97. | 送終 | Burial |
98. | 法滅 | The decline of the dharma |
99. | 雜要 | Miscellaneous commandments |
100. | 傳記 | Biographies of monks and saints |