An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Xiao Erya 小爾雅

Jul 18, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald

Xiao Erya 小爾雅 is a glossary from the Han period 漢 (206 BCE-220 CE) imitating the classical glossary Erya 爾雅. It belongs to the genre of "lesser learning" (xiaoxue 小學), which is traditionally seen as a supplement to studies of the Confucian Classics.

From the beginning the Xiao Erya text must have been very small, as the bibliographic treatise Yiwen zhi 藝文志 in the Hanshu 漢書 says, only one chapter long. According to the bibliographic treatise Jingji zhi 經籍志 in the Suishu 隋書 there was a commentary written by Li Gui 李軌 (d. 619) or Li Guilüe 李軌略, the Xiao Erya jie 小爾雅解, which is lost.

Yet the received Xiao Erya is certainly not identical to this book. Today it is a chapter (ch. 11) of the anthology Kongcongzi 孔叢子. According to Song Xian's 宋咸 (jinshi degree 1024) commentary on the Kongcongzi from the Song period 宋 (960-1279), the Xiao Erya was written by Kong Fu 孔鮒 (264-208 BCE), to whom authorship of the Kongcongzi is attributed. The book must have been compiled during the Later Han period 後漢 (25-220).

The Xiao Erya consists of 13 chapters which serve as a supplement to the Erya. It includes many words not recorded in the classic Erya, mainly names of objects and animals. The last three chapters deal with weights and measures, items not mentioned at all in the Erya.

Quotation 1. Weights and measures as explained in the Xiao Erya 小爾雅
Length measures
倍仞 謂之尋。
1 kui 跬 is one short step
2 kui 跬 = 1 bu 歩 "step"
4 chi 尺 "foot" = 1 ren
2 ren 仞 = 1 xun
1 xun 尋 is the distance of 2 hills
2 xun 尋 = 1 chang
5 chi 尺 "foot" = 1 mo
2 mo 墨 = 1 zhang
2 zhang 丈 = 1 duan
2 duan 端 = 1 liang
2 liang 兩 = 1 pi
5 pi 疋 = 1 shu
Volume measures
one handful = 1 yi
two handful = 1 ju 掬 = 1 sheng
4 ju 掬 = 1 dou
4 dou 豆 = 1 qu
4 qu 區 = 1 fu
2.5 fu 釡 = 1 sou
2.5 sou 藪 = 1 fou
2 fou 缶 = 1 zhong
2 zhong 鍾 = 1 bing
1 bing 秉 = 16 hu
Weight measures
24 zhu 銖 = 1 liang
1.5 兩 = 1 jie
2 jie 捷 = 1 ju
2 ju 舉 = 1 qiang 鏘 = 1 huan
2 huan 鍰 4 liang 兩 = 1 jin
10 jin 斤 = 1 heng
1.5 heng 衡 = 1 cheng
2 cheng 秤 = 1 jun
4 jun 鈞 = 1 shi
4 shi 石 = 1 gu
1 gu 鼓 is thus 480 jin

The Xiao Erya only attracted the attention of scholars during the 19th century, for example Song Xiangfeng 宋翔鳳 (1779-1860), who wrote Xiao Erya xunzuan 小爾雅訓纂, or Hu Chenggong 胡承珙 (1776-1832), author of Xiao Erya yizheng 小爾雅義證. There are also several less important commentaries written by Zhu Junsheng 朱駿聲 (1788-1858), namely Xiao Erya yuezhu 小爾雅約注, Ge Qiren 葛其仁 (1883), who wrote Xiao Erya shuzheng 小爾雅疏證, or Ren Zhaolin 任兆麟 (fl. 1781), who compiled the commentary Xiao Erya zhu 小爾雅注).

Table 1. Contents of the Xiao Erya 小爾雅
1 廣詁 Old expressions
2 廣言 Elegant and archaic sayings
3 廣訓 Instructions
4 廣義 Concepts
5 廣名 Designations
6 廣服 Clothes
7 廣器 Utensils
8 廣物 Plants
9 廣鳥 Birds
10 廣獸 Beasts
(11) Length measures
(12) Volume measures
(13) Weights
Feng Juan 馮娟 (2015). "Lun Xiao Erya de yuyanxue jiazhi 論《小爾雅》的語言學價值", Shaanxi Qingnian Zhiye Xueyuan xuebao 陝西青年職業學院學報, 2015 (2).
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Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文郁, ed. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 1, 645.
Lin Lin 林琳, Fu Yashu 傅亞庶 (2011). "Lun Xiao Erya yu Kongcongzi de guanxi 論《小爾雅》與《孔叢子》的關係", Gudai wenming 古代文明, 2011 (7).
Song Lin 宋琳 (2004). "Xiao Erya zongshu 《小爾雅》綜述", Guji zhengli yanjiu xuekan 古籍整理研究學刊, 2004 (9).
Xu Chuanshan 徐川山 (1992). "Xiao Erya 小爾雅", in Zhou Gucheng 周谷城, ed. Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu tiyao 中國學術名著提要, Vol. Yuyan wenzi 語言文字卷 (Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe), 161.
Xu Fu 徐復 (1988). "Xiao Erya 小爾雅", in Zhongguo da baike quanshu 中國大百科全書, Yuyan wenzi 語言•文字 (Beijing/Shanghai: Zhongguo da baike quanshu chubanshe), 424.
Yao Guowang 姚國旺 (1997). "Xiao Erya 小爾雅", in Men Kui 門巋, Zhang Xueqin 張燕瑾, ed. Zhonghua guocui da cidian 中華國粹大辭典 (Xianggang: Guoji wenhua chuban gongsi), 709.
Yuan Yaohui 袁耀輝, Zhang Lu 張璐 (2009). "Xiao Erya neirong he jiazhi qianxi 《小爾雅》内容和價值淺析", Liaoning Jiaoxu Xingzheng Xueyuan xuebao 遼寧教育行政學院學報, 2009 (7).
Zhang Shuzhen 張淑珍 (2012). "Xiao Erya wenxian zongshu 《小爾雅》文獻綜述", Yuwen xuekan 語文學刊, 2012 (2).
Zhao Boyi 趙伯義 (1993). "Xiao Erya gaishuo 《小爾雅》概說", Guji zhengli yanjiu xuekan 古籍整理研究學刊, 1993 (3).