Xinyi 新義 "New meanings" was a book written during the Three-Empires period 三國 (220~280 CE) by Liu Qin 劉廞, who lived in the state of Wu 吳 (222/229-280). Various sources write him Liu Qin 劉欽, Liu Xin 劉欣 or Liu Xin 劉歆. He was palace cadet in the household of the heir apparent (zhongshuzi 中庶子) of Wu.
The bibliographical chapter Jingji zhi 經籍志 in the official dynastic history Suishu 隋書 says, Liang-period 梁 (502-557) bibliographies record the book as with a length of 18 juan, and written by Liu Qin. The book was already lost at the time.
Four fragments of the text are preserved that are quoted in the encyclopaedias Beitang shuchao 北堂書鈔, Yiwen leiju 藝文類聚, and Taiping yulan 太平御覽. They were published in Ma Guohan's 馬國翰 (1794-1857) series Yuhan shanfang jiyi shu 玉函山房輯佚書.