Sep 13, 2010 © Ulrich Theobald
Yanshi jiaxun 顏氏家訓 "Family instructions of Master Yan", shortly called Jiaxun 家訓, is a book on philosophical and family-related topics. The book with a length of 7 juan (today reduced to 2 juan) and 20 chapters was written by Yan Zhitui 顏之推 (531-591) to have it read as an educational handbook for his sons. Because the thematic range of the Yanshi jiaxun surpasses the genre of private education (jiaxun 家訓), it has traditionally been classified as a "miscellaneous" writing.
Yan Zhitui, courtesy name Jie 介, hailed from Linyi 臨沂 (in today's Shandong province) and obtained an excellent education by his father Yan Xie 顏勰 who had made some research on the Confucian Classics Zhouguan 周官 (i.e., the Zhouli ) and Zuozhuan 左氏傳. At the age of twelve, Yan Zhitui became a disciple of Xiao Jiang 蕭絳, the Prince of Xiang 湘, and a member of the ruling house of the Liang dynasty 梁 (502-557). The Prince of Xiang was a Daoist adept and transmitted some thoughts of this philosophical school to Yan Zhitui. In 554, Yan was captured by the invading army of the Western Wei empire 西魏 (535-556) but managed to escape to the state of the Northern Qi 北齊 (550-577), from where he intended to return to his home in the south. But the Liang dynasty had been displaced by the Chen dynasty 陳 (557-589). Yan thus had no choice but to stay in the north, where he could obtain eminent offices under the Northern Qi, the Northern Zhou 北周 (557-581), and finally the Sui dynasty 隋 (581-618). He worked as a drafter in the Imperial Secretariat (zhongshu sheren 中書舍人), as gentleman attendant at the palace gate (huangmen shilang 黃門侍郎) and as governor (taishou 太守) of the commandery of Pingyuan 平原. Under the Northern Zhou, he was senior serviceman of the Censorate (yushi shangshi 御史上士), and under the Sui, an academic counsellor (xueshi 學士) for the Heir Apparent.
Yan Zhitui had basically been educated in a Confucian manner, and thus became an expert in the various ritual and social obligations of the Confucian etiquette. Besides, he was also an excellent rider, a skill that was highly appreciated in his time. The Yanshi jiaxun, finished in 589, was written as an instruction to his sons and grandsons, but except regulations for deportment in specified situations, the book also includes information on education in general, history, literature, linguistics, customs and habits and many aspects in contemporary society. The Yanshi jiaxun presents a wide picture of life and activities of the upper class during the sixth century. Exiled in the north, the southerner Yan Zhitui displayed a refined taste in writing in the rugged northern environment. The book, therefore, immediately achieved great attraction as a kind of classic for private education. Later books on education like the anonymous Taigong jiajiao 太公家教 from the Tang period 唐 (618-907), Sima Guang's 司馬光 (1019-1086) Jiafan 家範 from the Song period 宋 (960-1279), Sun Qifeng's 孫奇逢 (1585-1675) Jiaozi jiaxun 教子家訓 from the early Qing period 清 (1644-1911) and Zhu Bailu's 朱柏廬 1617-1688) Zhijia geyan 治家格言 are based on or inspired by Yan Zhitui's book. Over the ages, the Yanshi jiaxun was famous for its high literary quality.
In the author's eyes, children needed to start learning at an early point in time. Learning instead of hunting and gaming was the most essential activity in life. For young children, it was necessary to learn one skill perfectly, which would then be the basis of their life. Life was to be filled with a meaning (hui dang you ye 會當有業). The peasant had to plough the fields, the merchant to make profits, the craftsman to produce objects, the artist to train his skills, the warrior to use the bow and ride his horse, and the scholar had the social duty to interpret the classical writings. Concerning marriage, Yan Zhituo refused the aim at making financial profits by arranged marriage and stressed the importance of considering the reputation of a family instead.
Although educated in a traditional Confucian way, Yan Zhitui was a Buddhist believer and a statesman with a good sense of practical politics. This flexibility is why he found a job under each dynasties he was a subject of. His experience in a time of trouble and through the re-unification of the empire under the Sui made him one of the most esteemed personalities of his time.
The most essential commentaries are Wang Liqi's 王利器 (1912-1998年) Yanshi jiaxun jijie 顏氏家訓集解 and Zhou Fagao's 周法高 (1915-1994) Yanshi jiaxun huizhu 顏氏家訓彙注. The Yanshi jiaxun is included in the series Han-Wei congshu 漢魏叢書, Zhibuzuzhai congshu 知不足齋叢書, Baojingtang congshu 抱經堂叢書, Zishu baizhong 子書百種, Sibu congkan 四部叢刊 and Siku quanshu 四庫全書. The oldest surviving print dates from the Ming period 明 (1368-1644). There are also the Ming-period prints published by Yan Ruhuai 顏如瓌, Yuan Zhibang 袁志邦 and Cheng Boxiang 程伯祥.
An English translation was produced by Teng Ssu-yü. 1968. Family Instructions for the Yen Clan. Leiden: Brill.
Table 1. Contents of the Yanshi jiaxun 顏氏家訓
1. |
序致 |
Xuzhi |
Introduction |
2. |
教子 |
Jiaozi |
Education of a son |
3. |
兄弟 |
Xiongdi |
Relationship among brothers |
4. |
後娶 |
Houqu |
Stepmother and stepbrothers |
5. |
治家 |
Zhijia |
Regulate your family |
6. |
風操 |
Fengcao |
Character and behaviour |
7. |
慕賢 |
Muxian |
Yearn for wisdom |
8. |
勉學 |
Mianxue |
Engage well in studies |
9. |
文章 |
Wenzhang |
Learn to write and to compose |
10. |
名實 |
Mingshi |
Make conform theory and practice |
11. |
涉務 |
Shewu |
Gain practical experience |
12. |
省事 |
Xingshi |
Be sparingly with words and deeds |
13. |
止足 |
Zhizu |
Be self-sufficient |
14. |
誡兵 |
Jiebing |
Study the art of war |
15. |
養生 |
Yangsheng |
Preserve your health |
16. |
歸心 |
Guixin |
Submit your heart to the righteous cause |
17. |
書證 |
Shuzheng |
Text sources for the Family Instructions |
18. |
音辭 |
Yinci |
Make sound your words |
19. |
雜藝 |
Zayi |
Miscellaneous arts (painting, shooting, divining, arithmetics, medicine etc.) |
20. |
終制 |
Zhongzhi |
Complete the three-year mourning for your parents |
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