An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Laoxue'an biji 老學庵筆記

Aug 15, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald

Laoxue'an biji 老學庵筆記 "Brush notes from the Study of an Old Man Learning" is a "brush-notes"-style book (biji 筆記) written during the Southern Song period 南宋 (1127-1279) by Lu You 陸遊 (1125-1210), courtesy name Wuguan 務觀, style Fangweng 放翁.

He hailed from Shanyin 山陰 in the prefecture of Yuezhou 越州 (modern Shaoxing 紹興, Zhejiang) and was a famous poet of lyric-metre-style poetry (ci 詞), but also wrote some historiographical texts, like the Nantangshu 南唐書 or Ru Shu ji 入蜀記. His collected works are called Jiannan shigao 劍南詩稿 and Weinan wenji 渭南文集.

During the reign periods Chunxi 淳熙 (1174-1189) Shaoxi 紹熙 (1190-1194), Lu You was not employed but studies all types of ancient writings in his "Study of an Old Man Learning" (Laoxue'an 老學庵) and began to note down what he was particular interested in. The result of these notes, the 10-juan-long book, with a supplement of 2 juan (Xu biji 續筆記), concentrates on the political and administrative history, persons in history, but also different genres of literature, and tales from among the people. A lot of the stories deal with the conflict between the Song and the Jin empire 金 (1115-1234) in the north, and with a description of the problems of the Southern Song court under unscrupulous politicians like the Counsellor Qin Hui 秦檜 (1091-1155). Lu Yu describes how the latter planned the murder of the popular hero Yue Fei 岳飛 (1103-1142).

The book gives insight into many fields of life during the Song period, like the weaving technique of Bozhou 亳州, the introduction of hidden names of candidates during the state examinations under Emperor Zhezong 宋哲宗 (r. 1085-1100), or the support of Wang Anshi's 王安石 (1021-1086) reforms (which Lu You himself disliked, although his forefather Lu Dian 陸佃, author of the glossary Piya 埤雅, had been a secretary of Wang) by many contemporaries. Except historically reliable facts, the Laoxue'an biji also narrates some fables circulating among the people.

The book was first printed in 1228 by Lu You's son together with his collected works. It is included in the series Baihai 稗海, Jindai mishu 津逮秘書, Xuejin taoyuan 學津討原, Chongwen shuju huike shu 崇文書局匯刻書, Songren xiaoshuo 宋人小說, and in excerpts in the two editions of the Shuofu 說郛, the Wuchao xiaoshuo 五朝小說 and the Jiuxiaoshuo 舊小說. In 1987, the Zhonghua Shuju Press 中華書局 published a modern edition, annotated by Li Jianxiong 李劍雄 and Liu Dequan 劉德權.

Du Wen 杜文, Zhang Ning 張宁 (2007). "Dui Laoxue'an biji jizai Haozhou qingci de xin sikao 對《老學庵筆記》記載耀州青瓷的新思考", Wenbo 文博, 2007 (6): 11-15.
Hu Peng 胡鵬 (2022). "Biji yu Nansong yuedu zhuanxing: Yi Lu You Laoxue'an biji wei zhongxin de taolun 筆記與南宋閱讀轉型——以陸游《老學庵筆記》為中心的討論", Anhui Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 安徽大學學報(哲學社會科學版), 2022 (4): 44-52.
Hui Zhang 匯章 (1989). "Laoxue'an biji yu yanyu 《老學庵筆記》與諺語", Xueshu luntan 學術論壇, 1989 (5): 81-82.
Li Chunqing 李春青 (1987). "Laoxue'an biji 老學庵筆記", in Wang Xiangfeng 王向峰, ed. Wenyi meishucidian 文藝美學辭典 (Shenyang: Liaoning daxue chubanshe), 651.
Li Qiang 李强 (2003). "Cong Laoxue'an biji kan Lu You dui Qin Hui de pingjia 從《老學庵筆記》看陸游對秦檜的評價", Huaxia wenhua 華夏文化, 2003 (1): 58-59.
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰, eds. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 1956.
Lin Fei 林非, ed. (1994). Zhongguo sanwen da cidian 中國散文大辭典 (Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou guji chubanshe), 191.
Lü Xiaohuan 呂肖奂 (2019). "Lu You dui Jinggong xinxue ji Lushi jiaxue de rentong yu shuzuo: Yi Jiashi jiuwen, Laoxue'an biji wei zhongxin 陸游對荆公新學及陸氏家學的認同與述作——以《家世舊聞》《老學庵筆記》爲中心", Xin Songxue 新宋學.
Ruan Yi 阮怡 (2013). "Laoxue'an biji zhong de Shudi minfeng《老學庵筆記》中的蜀地民風", Wenshi zazhi 文史雜誌, 2013 (4): 72-74.
Ruan Yi 阮怡 (2016a). "Lu You Laoxue'an biji jindu zhiyi 陸游《老學庵筆記》今讀質疑", Guji zhengli yanjiu xuekan 古籍整理研究學刊, 2016 (5): 11-15.
Ruan Yi 阮怡 (2016b). "Cong Laoxue'an biji kan gudai de dianzhang zhidu 從《老學庵筆記》看古代的典章制度", Yuwen xuekan (Jiaoyu ban) 語文學刊(教育版), 2016 (10): 97-98+100.
Ruan Yi 阮怡 (2019). "Cong Lu You Laoxue'an biji kan Songdai de minsu fengqing 從陸游《老學庵筆記》看宋代的民俗風情", Shaoxing Wenli Xueyuan xuebao 紹興文理學院學報, 39 (5): 8-12.
Wang Ying 王穎 (2015). "Lun Laoxue'an biji de xiaoshuoxue yiyi 論《老學庵筆記》的小說學意義", Shehui kexue jikan 社會科學輯刊, 2015 (6): 208-212.
Wang Yongbo 王永波 (2016). "Laoxue'an biji banben xiaokao 《老學庵筆記》版本小考", Gudian wenxue zhishi 古典文學知識, 2016 (3): 63-69.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1987). Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 294.
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Zhao Yongping 趙永平 (2014). "Lun Lu You Laoxue'an biji de yishu tese: Yi kehua renwu xingshi wei zhongxin 論陸游《老學庵筆記》的藝術特色——以刻畫人物形象為中心", Shehui kexue jikan 社會科學論壇, 2014 (7): 66-71.
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Zhu Zhenzhen 朱珍珍 (2012). "Cong Laoxue'an biji kan Lu You xiaoji sixiang 從《老學庵筆記》看陸游消極思想", Wenxue jiaoyu (xia) 文學教育(下), 2012 (11): 30-31.