Shiwen leiju 事文類聚 "Classified collection based on historical facts and literature" is an encyclopaedia in four parts written during the Song period 宋 (960-1279) by Zhu Mu 祝穆 (1190-1256), courtesy name Hefu 和甫, Hefu 和父 or Bohe 伯和, style Zhangyin Laoren 樟隱老人, from Shexian 歙縣, Anhui, and author of the geographical book Fangyu shenglan 方輿勝覽.
During the Yuan period 元 (1279-1368), Fu Dayong 富大用 added two further parts, and Zhu Yuan 祝淵 a seventh part. Zhu Mu's original was finished in 1246, the first supplement by Fu Dayong in 1326. The first collection (qianji 前集) has a length of 60 juan, the second collection (houji 後集) 50 juan, the third collection (xuji 續集) 28 juan, and the fourth (bieji 別集) 32 juan, making a total of 170 juan. The "new collection" (xinji 新集) by Fu Dayong is 36-juan long, and his "outer collection" (waiji 外集) 15 juan. Zhu Yuan's collection of "left-overs" (yiji 遺集) is 15-fascicles long, and another, "miscellaneous collection" (zaji 雜集) 2 juan. All collections together, the so-called Gujin shiwen leiji 古今事文類聚, have thus a total size of 238 juan.
It is not known who first put the different collections together to one book. Apart from the Yiji collection, there are no overlapping themes, so that the books of Zhu Mu and Fu Dayong can indeed be seen as one, while Zhu Yuan's supplement mainly contributes sources overlooked in Fu's waji collection.
The special character of the Shiwen leiju collections is that they bring together facts from more or less scholarly sources and the use of poems and prose literature. Each chapter is headed by a list of the sources used for the encyclopaedia, then follows a part dealing with the topic in factual matters (shishi 事實), and finally a part where literary sources (wenji 文集) are quoted. This is a pattern already used in the Tang-period 唐 (618-907) encyclopaedias Yiwen leiju 藝文類聚 and Chuxueji 初學記, but not in such a systematic way. The last great encyclopaedia making use of this method is the Qing-period 清 (1644-1911) Gujin tushu jicheng 古今圖書集成.
The strong point of the Shiwen leiju is that it quotes full writings and not only sentences of paragraphs. Because of this method, many interesting old writings have survived, like Shu Xi's 束晰 (264-306) Bingfu 餅賦. Zhang Pu 張溥 (1602-1641) served himself of the Shiwen leiju for his anthology Baisanjia ji 百三家集.
There is a print produced in 1326 by the Wuxi Academy 武溪書院 which was reprinted in 1604 by Tang Fuchun 唐富春. In 1763, the Jixiu Studio 積秀堂 reprinted the edition containing all seven collections. The Shiwen leiju is included in the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書.
前集 First Series | ||
1-5 | 天道部 | The Celestial way |
6-12 | 天時部 | The seasons |
13-18 | 地理部 | Geography |
19-22 | 帝系部 | The imperial houses |
23-24 | 人道部 | The human way |
25-31 | 仕進部 | Promotion of officials |
32-33 | 退隱部 | Hidden worthies |
34-35 | 仙佛部 | Daoists and Buddhists |
36-37 | 民業部 | Professions |
38-42 | 技藝部 | Skills |
43 | 藝術部 | The arts |
44-46 | 樂生部 | Joyful life |
47 | 嬰疾部 | Children and diseases |
48 | 神鬼部 | Deities and ghosts |
49-60 | 喪事部 | Funeral affairs |
後集 Second Series | ||
1-16 | 人倫部 | Human relations |
17 | 娼妓部 | Singsong girls and actors |
17 | 奴僕部 | Servants and slaves |
18-21 | 肖貌部 | Physical appearance |
22 | 穀菜部 | Grains and vegetables |
23 | 林木部 | Trees |
24 | 竹筍部 | Bamboos |
25-27 | 果實部 | Fruits |
28-32 | 花卉部 | Flowers and plants |
33-34 | 鱗蟲部 | Fishes |
35 | 介蟲部 | Creatures with shells |
36-41 | 毛蟲部 | Hairy animals |
42-47 | 羽蟲部 | Feathered animals |
48-50 | 蟲豸部 | Worms and insects |
續集 Continued Series | ||
1-11 | 居處部 | Buildings |
12 | 香茶部 | Fragrances and teas |
13-15 | 燕飲部 | Banquets and drinking |
16-17 | 食物部 | Food |
18 | 燈火部 | Lamps and fire |
19 | 朝服部 | Court robes |
20 | 冠履部 | Caps and shoes |
21 | 衣衾部 | Clothing and eating |
22-23 | 樂器部 | Musical instruments |
24 | 歌舞部 | Song and dance |
25 | 璽印部 | State seals |
26 | 珍寶部 | Jewels and precious stones |
27-28 | 器用部 | Tools and implements |
別集 Separate Series | ||
1-4 | 儒學部 | Confucianism and scholarship |
5-11 | 文章部 | Literature |
12-13 | 書法部 | Calligraphy |
14 | 文房四友部 | The four friends of the study |
15 | 禮樂部 | Rituals and music |
16-21 | 性行部 | Human character and comportment |
22 | 仕進部 | Promotion of officials |
23-32 | 人事部 | Human affairs |
新集 New Series | ||
1-2 | 三師部 | The Three Preceptors |
3 | 三公部 | The Three Dukes |
4 | 省官部 | Officials of the (Three) Departments |
5-7 | 都省部 | The (Three) Departments in the capital city |
8-9 | 省屬部 | Agencies subordinated to the (Three) Departments |
10-16 | 六曹部 | The Six Sections |
17 | 樞密院部 | Shumiyuan The Bureau of Military Affairs |
18 | 御史臺部 | The Censorate |
19-25 | 諸院部 | The various offices |
26-28 | 諸寺部 | The various courts |
29-34 | 諸監部 | The various directorates |
35 | 殿司部 | The palace bureaus |
36 | 諸庫局部 | The various storehouses and services |
外集 Outer Series | ||
1-2 | 東宮官部 | The officials of the Eastern Palace (of the Heir Apparent) |
3 | 睦親府部 | The hostels for the imperial clansmen |
4 | 王府官部 | The officials in the princely establishments |
5 | 節使部 | The commissioners |
6 | 統軍司部 | The army commanders |
7-8 | 諸使司部 | The various commissioners (?) |
9 | 諸提舉部 | The various supervisorates |
10-13 | 路官部 | Officials of the circuits (provinces) |
14-15 | 縣官部 | Officials of the districts |
遺集部 Residual Series | ||
1 | 三師部遺 | The Three Preceptors (2) |
樞密院部 | The Bureau of Military Affairs (2) | |
2 | 省官部遺 | Officials of the (Three) Departments (2) |
3 | 諸院部遺 | The various offices (2) |
4 | 東宮官部[遺] | The officials of the Eastern Palace (2) |
5 | 國史院部遺 | The Historiography Academy (2) |
六曹部遺 | The Six Sections (2) | |
6 | 寺監部遺 | Courts and directorates [2] |
7 | 省屬部遺 | Agencies subordinated to the (Three) Departments (2) |
8 | 封爵部遺 | Titles of nobility |
王府官部 | The officials in the princely establishment (2) | |
9 | 節使部遺 | Commissioners (2) |
10 | 殿司部遺 | The palace bureaus (2) |
總軍司部遺 | General supervisors of the army (?) | |
11 | 府司部遺 | Ministerial supervisors (?) |
12 | 監司部遺 | Circuit supervisors |
13 | 諸提舉部遺 | The various supervisorates (2) |
14-15 | 路官部遺 | Officials of the circuits (2) |