An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Gujin yishi 古今逸史

Apr 20, 2012 © Ulrich Theobald

Gujin yishi 古今逸史 "Remnant histories of past and present" is a series of collectanea (congshu 叢書) compiled by the Ming-period 明 (1368-1644) collector Wu Wan 吳琯 (jinshi degree 1571), courtesy name Bangxie 邦爕, from Zhangpu 漳浦, Fujian. It includes 55 books and has a total length of 233 juan.

Wu is famous for his critical editions of old poetry, the Gushiji 古詩紀 and the Tangshiji 唐詩紀.

The Gujin yishi includes mainly historiographical and geographical writings. It is arranged into three collections, namely rare treatises (yizhi 逸志), rare reports (yiji 逸記), and biographies (liezhuan 列傳). The section on rare treatises is again divided into compound treatises (hezhi 合志) and separated treatises (fenzhi 分志). The rare reports are divided into the categories imperial biographies (ji 紀) and biographies of hereditary houses or regional rulers (shijia 世家). The biographies include many collective biographical works like Gaoshizhuan 高士傳 or Liexianzhuan 列仙傳.

The Gujin yishi assembles rare books that were hard to find in the times of Wu Wan. For this series, Wu Wan made great efforts to collect rare writings from among the libraries of his friends and colleagues. It is a very valuable contribution to the study of ancient history. There are, nevertheless, many textual errors in the various writings because Wu Wan copied the texts as they were and did not undergo a textual critique.

The best prints are that from the Wanli reign-period 萬曆 (1573-1619) with a length of 223 juan and the title Zengding Gujin yishi 增定古今逸史, and another short Ming-period print with a length of 145 juan. There is also a third Ming-period edition that only includes 26 books. A younger edition is the facsimile series Yuan-Ming shenben congshu shi ben 元明善本叢書十種 from 1937.

Table 1. The series Gujin yishi 古今逸史
(Ming) 吳琯 Wu Wan (comp.)
Edition from the Wanli reign-period
書名, length in juan Title Author(s)
1. 甲集 Jiaji First Collection
1.1. 逸志 Yizhi Rare Treatises
1.1.1. 合志 Hezhi Monographical treatises
輶軒使者絕代語釋別國方言 (方言) 十三卷 Youxuan shiyhe juedai yushi bieguo fangyan (Fangyan) (Han) 揚雄 Yang Xiong; (Jin) 郭璞 Guo Pu (comm.)
釋名 八卷 Shiming (Han) 劉熙 Liu Xi
白虎通德論 五卷 Baihutong delun (Han) 班固 Ban Gu
廣雅 十卷 Guangya (Wei) Zhang Yi 張揖; (Sui) 曹憲 Cao Xian (comm.)
風俗通義 四卷 Fengsu tongyi (Han) 應劭 Ying Shao
小爾雅 一卷 Xiao erya (Han) 孔鮒 Kong Fu; (Song) 宋咸 Song Xian (comm.)
獨斷 一卷 Duduan (Han) 蔡邕 Cai Yong
刊誤 二卷 Kanwu (Tang) 李涪 Li Fu
古今注 三卷 Gujinzhu (Jin) 崔豹 Cui Bao
中華古今注 三卷 Zhonghua gujin zhu (Later Tang) 馬縞 Ma Gao
博物志 十卷 Bowuzhi (Jin) 張華 Zhang Hua; (Song) 周日用 Zhou Riyong, 盧□ Lu N (comm.)
續博物志 十卷 Xu bowu zhi (Song) 李石 Li Shi
拾遺記 十卷 Shiyiji (Former Qin) 王嘉 Wang Jia; (Liang) 蕭綺 Xiao Qi (rec.)
1.1.2. 分志 Fenzhi Separated treatises
山海經 十八卷 Shanhaijing (Jin) 郭璞 Guo Pu
海內十洲記 一卷 Hainei shizhou ji (Han) 東方朔 Dongfang Shuo
吳地記 一卷
後集 一卷
(Tang) 陸廣微 Lu Guangwei
岳陽風土記 一卷 Yueyang fengtu ji (Song) 范致明 Fan Zhiming
洛陽名園記 一卷 Luoyang mingyuan ji (Song) 李格非 Li Gefei
桂海虞衡志 一卷 Guihai yuheng zhi (Song) 范成大 Fan Chengda
北邊備對 一卷 Beibian beidui (Song) 程大昌 Cheng Dachang
真臘風土記 一卷 Zhenla fengtu ji (Yuan) 周達觀 Zhou Daguan
三輔黃圖 六卷 Sanfu huangtu (Han) NN
雍錄 十卷 Yonglu (Song) 程大昌 Cheng Dachang
洛陽伽藍記 五卷 Luoyang qielan ji (Later Wei) 楊炫之 Yang Xianzhi
教坊記 一卷 Jiaofangji (Tang) 崔令欽 Cui Lingqin
樂府雜錄 一卷 Yuefu zalu (Tang) 段安節 Duan Anjie
九經補韻 一卷 Jiujing buyin (Song) 楊伯喦 Yang Boyan
2. 逸(=乙?)記 Yiji Second Collection
2.1. 紀 Ji Imperial Biographies
三墳 (古三墳) 一卷 Sanfen (Gusanfen) (Jin) 阮咸 Ruan Xian (comm.)
穆天子傳 六卷 Mu Tianzi zhuan (Jin) 郭璞 Guo Pu (comm.)
竹書紀年 二卷 Zhushu jinian (Liang) 沈約 (comm.)
汲塚周書 十卷 Jizhou Zhoushu (Jin) 孔晁 Kong Chao (comm.)
西京雜記 六卷 Xijing zaji (Han) 劉歆 Liu Xin; (Jin) 葛洪 Ge Hong (rec.)
別國洞冥記 (洞冥記) 四卷 Bieguo dongming ji (Dongmingji) (Han) 郭憲 Guo Xian
漢武故事 一卷 Han Wu gushi (Han) 班固 Ban Gu
趙后外傳 (趙飛燕外傳) 一卷 Zhao Hou waizhuan (Zhao Feiyan waizhuan) (Han) 伶玄 Ling Xuan
海山記 一卷 Haishanji (Tang) 韓偓 Han Wo
迷樓記 一卷 Milouji (Tang) 韓偓 Han Wo
開河記 一卷 Kaiheji (Tang) 韓偓 Han Wo
六朝事跡編類 二卷 Liuchao shiji bianlei (Song) 張敦頤 Zhang Dunyi
2.2. 世家 Shijia Biographies of hereditary houses or regional rulers
晉史乘 一卷 Jinshi sheng () NN
楚史檮杌 一卷 Chushi taowu () NN
越絕書 十五卷 Yuejueshu (Han) 袁康 Yuan Kang
吳越春秋 六卷 Wu-Yue chunqiu (Han) 趙曄 Zhang Ye; (Yuan) 徐天祜 Xu Tiangu (comm.)
華陽國志 十二卷 Huayang guo zhi (Jin) 常璩 Chang Ju
2.3. 列傳 Liezhuan Normal and collective biographies
高士傳 三卷 Gaoshizhuan (Jin) 皇甫謐 Huangfu Mi
列仙傳 二卷 Liexianzhuan (Han) 劉向 Liu Xiang
劍俠傳 四卷 Jianxiazhuan (Tang) 段成式 Duan Chengshi
神僧傳 九卷 Shensengzhuan () NN
本事詩 一卷 Benshishi (Tang) 孟棨 Meng Qi
續齊諧記 一卷 Xu qixie ji (Liang) 吳均 Wu Jun
博異記 一卷 Boyiji (Tang) 谷鬼子 Gushenzi (鄭還古 Zheng Huangu)
集異記 一卷 Jiyiji (Tang) 薛用弱 Xue Yongruo
遼志 (契丹國志) 一卷 Liaozhi (Qidan guo zhi) (Song) 葉隆禮 Ye Longli
金志 (大金國志) 一卷 Jinzhi (Da-Jin guo zhi) (Yuan) 宇文懋昭 Yuwen Maozhao
松漠紀聞 一卷
(附)補遺 一卷
Songmo jiwen
app. Buyi
(Song) 洪皓 Hong Hao
Li Xueqin 李學勤, Lü Wenyu 呂文鬰, ed. (1996). Siku da cidian 四庫大辭典 (Changchun: Jilin daxue chubanshe), Vol. 2, 2072.
Shanghai tushuguan 上海圖書館, ed. (1982). Zhongguo congshu zonglu 中國叢書綜錄 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe), Vol. 1, 38.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1987). Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 188.
Zhou Yaping 周亚萍 (2007). "Shilun Mingdai congshu Gujin yishi de tese yu jiazhi 试论明代丛书《古今逸史》的特色与价值", Handan Zhiye Jishu Xueyuan xuebao 邯郸职业技术学院学报, 2007 (1): 52-54+57.