An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao 四庫全書總目提要

Sept 10, 2013 © Ulrich Theobald

Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao 四庫全書總目提要, shortly called Zongmu tiyao 總目提要, is a descriptive catalogue to the imperial series Siku quanshu 四庫全書. It was compiled under the supervision of Ji Yun 紀昀 and reports the most important facts (tiyao 提要) about the history and content of each book that is included in the Siku quanshu, as well as its editions and the life and career of the author or compiler, and the strengths and shortcomings of the texts.

A very important information are the remarks about the origin of the texts, be it owned by the imperial library or presented to the throne by a private collector in the course of the Siku quanshu project. The catalogue follows the same structure in which the Siku quanshu is arranged. Each of the four categories was put into the hands of a different supervisor. Dai Zhen 戴震 was responsible for the Confucian Classics (Jingbu 經部), Shao Jinhan 邵晉涵 for the histories (Shibu 史部), Zhou Shujing 周書昌 for the "masters and philosophers" (Zibu 子部), and Ji Yun for the belles-lettres section (Jibu 集部). The final redaction of the text was taken over by Ji Yun.

The four categories and the subcategories are introduced by general prefaces (zongxu 總敘) and "smaller prefaces" (xiaoxu 小敘), respectively, in which the contents of the sections and methods and criteria of selection and compilation are explained. In-between the individual descriptions of the texts, remarks (anyu 按語) are interspersed. At the end of each section some further "existing" books (cunmu 存目) are added, for which a description was written, but whose text was not included in the series. While there are 3,461 texs included in the Siku quanshu, the Cunmu amounts to 6,793 books.

The Zongmu tiyao was finished in 1782, presented to the throne and after approval printed by the imperial printing shop in the Hall of Military Glory (Wuyingdian 武英殿), but only in 1789, because the series itself contained in the end more books than the original catalogue. Another version was printed in Zhejiang (called Fankeben 翻刻本). The Zongmu has a length of 200 juan, but Ji Yun had also a version published that only includes the books whose text was included in the Siku quanshu. It is 20-juan long and called Siku quanshu jianming mulu 四庫全書簡明目錄.

In 1965 the Zhonghua shuju press 中華書局 published a new edition of the Zongmu tiyao that is a facsimile of the Zhejiang edition. This edition includes three appendixes with books that were lost or willingly destroyed during the compilation process (Siku chehui shu tiyao 四庫撤毀書提要) and books that were not included in the Siku quanshu (Siku weishou shu tiyao 四庫未收書提要).

Table 1. Contents of the Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao 四庫全書總目提要
首序 Preliminary matters
I 聖諭 Imperial edicts (concerning the compilation)
II 進表 Memorials to the throne (concerning the compilation)
III 凡例二十則 20 rules for the compilation
IV 門目 Table of contents
經部 Confucian Classics
1-6 易類 Commentaries on the Book of Changes
7-10 易類存目
11-12 書類 Commentaries on the Book of Documents
13-14 書類存目
15-16 詩類 Commentaries on the Book of Songs
17-18 詩類存目
19-22 禮類 Commentaries on the three ritual books
23-25 禮類存目
26-29 春秋類 Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals
30-31 春秋類存目
32 孝經類
Commentaries on the Book of Filial Piety
33 五經總義類 Commentaries on the Five Classics
34 五經總義類存目
35-36 四書類 Commentaries on the Four Books
37 四書類存目
38 樂類 Books on ritual music
39 樂類存目
40-42 小學類 Lexicography
43-44 小學類存目
史部 Historiography
45-46 正史類
Official dynastic histories and studies
47 編年類 Annals and chronicles
48 編年類存目
49 紀事本末類
Histories in their entirety
50 別史類
Alternative histories
51 雜史類 Miscellaneous histories
52-54 雜史類存目
55 詔令奏議類 Edicts and memorials
56 詔令奏議類存目
57-58 傳記類 Biographies
59-64 傳記類存目
65 史鈔類
Excerpts of history books
66 載記類
Regional histories
67 時令類
Edicts concerned with the seasons
68-71 地理類 Geographical books
72-78 地理類存目
79 職官類 Books on state offices
80 職官類存目
81-82 政書類 Books on statecraft and administration
83-84 政書類存目
85-86 目錄類 Bibliographies and catalogues
87 目錄類存目
史評類 Historical critique
89-90 史評類存目
子部 Masters and Philosophers
91-94 儒家類 Confucian books
95-98 儒家類存目
99 兵家類 Military books
100 兵家類存目
101 法家類
Legalist treatises
102 農家類
Agriculture and agronomy
103-104 醫家類 Medicine and pharmacology
105 醫家類存目
106-107 天文算法類
Astronomy and mathematics
108-109 術數類 Divination
110-111 術數類存目
112-113 藝術類 Art
114 藝術類存目
115 譜錄類 Material culture and nature studies
116 譜錄類存目
117-123 雜家類 Books on miscellaneous issues
124-134 雜家類存目
135-136 類書類 Encyclopaedias and handbooks
136-139 類書類存目
140-142 小說家類 Novellas and stories
143-144 小說家類存目
145 釋家類
Buddhist books
146 道家類 Daoist books
147 道家類存目
集部 Belles-lettres
148 楚辭類
Poetry of the South and commentaries
149-173 別集類 Collections of individual writers
174-185 別集類存目
186-190 總集類 General collections and anthologies
191-194 總集類存目
195-196 詩文評類 Literary critique
197 詩文評類存目
198-199 詞曲類 Songs and arias
200 詞曲類存目
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